
Probably thought it was a safe seat!

There is something so weird about that. Asking for the whole display. It’s like he’s trying to build a life from scratch at the last minute. My guess is that he lived alone like a slob for a long time but then in a strange turn of events(maybe finally met a woman?) ended up hosting a dinner party. I think his

Hey man. I just wanted to say thanks for the thoughtful post and I’m very sorry people are still finding a reason to jump all over you. It’s brave of you to admit that the party you subscribed to you is no longer representing your values and I very much appreciate your reach across the isle.

I’ve worked at the same company for 13 years and for the past 8 I’ve driven the same way to work. On that road there is a traffic light that drives me absolutely crazy. I have to take a left at it and it’s not equipped with a left arrow so if you are coming from that direction you are forced to wait for oncoming

I’ve worked at the same company for 13 years and for the past 8 I’ve driven the same way to work. On that road there is a traffic light that drives me absolutely crazy. I have to take a left at it and it’s not equipped with a left arrow so if you are coming from that direction you are forced to wait for oncoming

This is great! That Settlers match at the end makes me feel so much better about games that I’ve lost. At least I’ve never smashed a table.

Someone please un-grey me b/c I have something to say.

Kyle is that you?

The trouble is think of all the great Southern cities we are going to lose that don’t deserve this. Can we airlift out Austin TX and Asheville NC? WHAT ABOUT MIAMI? 

What a smart kid! I have a crazy suspicion that now that he’s a grown man he’s probably working towards doing something with his life. I wonder where the beer thrower ended up?

You are definitely on to something. Cocksucker is also very much a shot at the gays and if I had to guess that’s the root of the insult. Cocksucker is definitely most often hurled from one man/ape at another man/ape.

Male here. Most guys never say it and when I do hear it I sort of cringe. I have a cousin that likes to drop the old C U Next Tuesday from time to time and when he does I just want to die.

Congressmen, what have you done to Tara Reid?!


This is a better 9/11 joke then the one above. Nice.

That’s how you got the plague!

Ohio is your best one. Nice.

Good stuff right here.

I was with you up until the train stuff. Carry on.

Whole lot of honkies.