
...and it’s pretty hard to not think the old girl is still pretty hot.

Everyone who isn’t a Patriots fan seemed to enjoy the ludicrous deflategate fiasco. But, what sane commissioner would go out of his way to denigrate one of the most marketable players in his game? Much like the negativism of this Presidential campaign will, no doubt, suppress voter turnout, all the negative press

It should be noted that after the 2004 World Series Curt Schilling could have gone the rest of his life without paying for a meal or a drink in Boston. I wonder if Tom Brady is paying attention.

She was saying how she first said she had never seen an uncircumcised cock and then she said, ‘I’ve never seen a mulatto cock. There’s lots of cocks I’ve never seen,’ or something like that,

But I have no evidence besides anecdotal.

After much consideration here is my response to your take: shut up you stupid cunt.

I think leaving him alone in a room with Gronkowski for 15 minutes would be a fair punishment. Sure, Gronk is a great Tight End. But, goddamn is he boring!

They had that game won until Burfict lost his cool and gave the Steelers a second chance when the game was otherwise over. You can’t see that?

I prefer the dismiss button. It’s like he was never here.

What about Rob McElhenney? :-)

Charles Durning wins:

Are you trolling? Lincoln was assassinated 5 days after Lee surrendered to Grant and 3 weeks before the new President, Johnson, declared and end to the insurrection.

My favorite Southwest Airlines trick is to pay the $15 for the early bird seating group and then sit in an aisle seat with the airsick bag open and a sick look on my face. Nobody ever wants to sit next to the sick guy. Also, I’m black. Being black helps keep that seat open too; (Except on the Baltimore to Atlanta

So, what are the odds that this video was leaked by Billy Bush on behalf of Jeb? It’s unlikely. But that would be great. “I’m a nice guy but I’m weak, huh? You just got Jebbed muthufucka.”

I get it that if your name is Calvin Wong @calwong is an awesome twitter handle...not as awesome as @mrwong, but, still, pretty awesome. So EA was incorrect ;-) to use that handle without doing their due diligence.

Trump supporters will look at this news and say “So all he did was sandbag early to benefit later. I do that every year to get a high handicap in my bowling/golf league.” The only thing that comforts me is that most of his supporters will be dead within 10 or 20 years.

Your life depends on it? Has to be Pong!

Who cares? New York is a blue state. Hillary is still taking all of its electoral votes.

plus 1 fish wrapped in newspaper

The Patriots exploits their opponent’s weaknesses and avoid their opponent’s strength.