
Are you waiting for the November election results before you make your move?


I disagree with you on Bruce Springsteen. But, I have to compliment that GIF of Simmons and the Boss. I never realized that he and Courtney Cox had the same body type...at least until she got her plus 2's.

The Kansas City Kings played in Kansas City from 1972-1985 before moving to Sacramento.

I was really hoping that Clark the Cub, while accepting the sportsman of the year award on behalf of Jim Tomsula, would remove his Cub head to reveal that he was, in fact, Jim Tomsula.

It’s very narrow-minded to ignore the intent behind words and just label it something and wash your hands of it.

Thanks Mom. You know what’s funny? I am a big fan of the “dismiss” button on these comments. But I have only been dismissing the worst racist comments from my reply thread and trying to reason with those who I feel truly just don’t get it but who’s minds I might be able to change.

I understand what you are saying when you say people think that the saying “black lives matter” is racist. I get it. I don’t think that was the intent. It’s more “quit killing us, black lives matter too.” But that isn’t as catchy off the tongue. I feel the movement should co-opt “all lives matter” and make that their

You obviously realize that many blacks find it to be offensive. Therefore, when you say “all lives matter” in response to “black lives matter”, it should come as no surprise that black people are offended. The movement made a huge tactical mistake when they didn’t name themselves “all lives matter.” They should have.

Counterpoint: a reasonable person knows that many of the people saying “all lives matter” are doing it because they know it is offensive to many black people. I’ve been called an oreo for much of my adult life, (fuck all of you keeping it real brothers!), and I am offended when people say “all lives matter” as a back

Ivanka would have the best ham sandwich made from the finest, thin-sliced Boar’s Head Ham on artisanal bread. If I was hungry I would definitely eat Ivanka’s ham sandwich.

You also can’t spell bIn LadEn without Eli.

You can’t even spell LItErally without Eli.

Not anymore. It’s still good. But, sadly, they stopped using Newman’s Own a couple of years ago.

I stir my coffee after I put the cream in. Then I wash the spoon for approximately 5 seconds, dry it on a kitchen towel, then put it back in the drawer. You don’t have to wash everything in the dishwasher. :-)

I disagree. Few things make my mouth water as much as the sight of that creamy half-and-half swirling its way to the bottom of a tall glass of home-made iced-coffee.

I’m a successful black man. I don’t go out of my way looking to play victim. I’ve endured racism my entire life and feel that I have overcome it. I feel sorry for racists. I am NOT a revolutionary. So, please, hear me when I say fuck all of you who are aware that “all lives matter” is considered racist to many black

What A Sharp piece of satire Mr. Burneko!

Evidently, there is a divorcée in Mississippi who could use one!