Hmmm, I don’t recall him using that term in the TV series “Derek.” You know, the series where he sympathetically portrays a developmentally disabled man who lives and works in a nursing home.
Hmmm, I don’t recall him using that term in the TV series “Derek.” You know, the series where he sympathetically portrays a developmentally disabled man who lives and works in a nursing home.
+1 1970s SNL reference
Just to be clear. You are saying the doctor should have euthanized the baby after it was born? Because after it was born it was a baby. I'm pro-choice. But people like you hurt the cause and play right into the anti-choice propaganda.
I just accept that my hard-earned money is going to be handed to other people. I would just like it to be handed to people that need it.
For me it’s Toucher and Rich during my morning commute, and Dale and Holley with THORNTON on my way home. Why would anyone want to listen to a bunch of racist assholes like Callahan, Minnehan, and Dennis on the way to work and two professional trolls like Felger and Mazz on the way home? Life’s too short to listen to…
I was born in 1963, with the Church bombing in birmingham. And 52 years later, we have a Racial divide. What we really have is an Economic divide. And we need to talk about how we Can close the economic divide.
They’re actually from the New York City suburbs part of Connecticut. New York can have them.
The argument that the rule book is too complicated is bullshit. The real issue is that the NFL has decided to cheap out by only having part-time referees. Having full-time refs would do much to cure all of the issues that crop up every year. Instead, they have bankers, high-school principals, insurance agents, etc,…
You’re right. Nobody deserves to have Mark Sanchez fuck their daughter.
I stand corrected. Thank you.
This makes me glad that he went bankrupt and that Mark Sanchez fucked his daughter.
I wish you were right. They have actually been reassigned to call the Patriots-Texans Sunday night game next week. This should be fun.
Thanks. I was wrong.
I do realize that every team has injuries. And I absolutely respect teams that fight to the end. To compare and contrast: I have no respect for the Colts “sucking for Luck.” Or whatever the fuck the 76ers are trying to do.
You’re right. Losing their entire receiving corps and two best linebackers to injury is because they cheated and, thus, is self inflicted adversity.
You’re right Jim. He said “play clock” not “game clock.” The rule says play clock. I was wrong. It’s now 3 AM and I’m still wide awake. Ugh.
Twenty-four seconds left, the ref invokes the excessive timeout rule and correctly instructs the stadium clock operator to reset the game clock to 40 seconds, which is correct. The game clock operator leaves the clock at 24 seconds and it starts running on the ref’s whistle. The Pats complete a pass with 10 seconds…
It’s pretty obvious that you are a Peyton Manning fan and feel compelled to defend him. Good for you. Honestly. But here’s a few things that you left out of your examples:
I can’t stand Bomani Jones. I won’t watch his video. But, I absolutely agree with him on this one. The headlines need to say “police execution” because, if you watched the video of the shooting, there is no other way to describe it. Sixteen fucking shots. Then I read comments under the story by a reader describing his…
Maybe with a small sample size I would agree with you. But to put it in perspective, Manning made the playoffs 14 times. He won 1 Super Bowl. Nine times out of the 14 he lost in the first round. That's 64% of the time. And the Colts put up great regular season records and had great seeds for most of those years.