
He has a point. My question is, why do professional teams have to be PAID to honor veterans? At Patriots game the PA announcer always says “please join the New England Patriots as we honor...” It's bullshit. They got paid $700,000 to honor those veterans.

I thought his friend was the rule book. Just ask the Ravens.

There’s another concept where the smartest, most hard-working people tend to succeed over the lazy excuse makers. But, I guess your narrative works for you.

LOL. I don’t think anyone needs to apologize for the Patriots here. They did nothing wrong. As for your “mighty white of you comment”, either you’re also black and think I’m an Uncle Tom for whatever reason, or you’re just another in a long line of racist fucks that I’ve dealt with my whole life. In either case, go

Isn’t that really all it is at this stage? If the headline was “Jets’ Misinterpret NFL Rules” would anybody click?

I respected the hell out of Steve Smith. He’s one of those guys that you hate on the other team and love on your’s. He said that the reason he was retiring after the season was that, to play his game, he had to become a little ball of hate for every game and that was wearing on him. I hope he finds peace and serenity

Am I the only one who thinks it’s odd that the Patriots seem to be the only team in these stories that know the rules? Shouldn’t the other teams know who is responsible for maintaining the refs’ batteries seeing as they host at least 8 home games a year? Anyway, nice click bait.

You’re right. Turns out these two guys are assholes. Too bad.

Chris, would you turn over your cell phone to Ted Wells? I don’t mean figuratively. I just want to read your emails. I’m assuming that they’re hilarious-and well written.

Thanks. I hate typos too. Too late for me to correct it or I would.

You know who figured out this organizational clusterfuck three years ago?

Fryer is getting more jail time than any of the bankers that almost put this country into another Great Depression.

It was actually Zeke Mowat who flashed little Zeke at Lisa Olsen. Then owner Victor Kiam then called her a “classic bitch.” The Pats got less shit for that than they have for all the “gates.” I guess when you’re 1-15 nobody gives a shit what you do. (The next week at the game someone flew a banner tow airplane with a

Great “Blazing Saddles” reference. But, you and I disagree.

I’ll say this. I would love to have a few beers on a boat with Mikey and J. These shitheads are the best example of the harmless, fun-loving Masshole. Whatever they are doing, you bet your ass you’d have fun doing it with them.

Now that we’re energy independent again maybe we will next time.

Many teams have also reported that every time they visit Foxboro in December or January the Patriots rig the weather to hamper their dome-based/sunbelt-based team.

It may have been more believable if the Krafts had said it before Brady’s suspension was overturned. The 19-1 banner coming down is a nice little cherry on top of the Brady suspension vacation for Pats fans. Hmmm, I guess we all could use a Brady suspension vacation.

Best. Kinja. Ever.