I named my team "Michael Sam's Bye Week" and 3 guys in my league unironically told me I'd mis-spelled "bye".
I named my team "Michael Sam's Bye Week" and 3 guys in my league unironically told me I'd mis-spelled "bye".
Patriots. Mike Reiss. ESPN Boston.
Wrong George. Payne Stewart was in a LearJet 35. As an air traffic controller I work those above 40,000 feet on a regular basis. The pilots did nothing wrong. The NTSB theorized that a slow loss of cabin pressure caused a loss of judgement in the pilots before they, and their passengers, lost consciousness and…
Yeah right. If Sam were playing in a European soccer league they'd be throwing bananas at him because, you know, they're intrinsically better people.
+1, +1, and + 1 more!
Shouldn't the period be inside the "close quote?" I'm a high school graduate, avid reader, and I had an excellent 5th grade teacher. :-)
Why are you sorry Kevin got caught fucking off at work? Kevin, next time you're fucking off at work, turn the volume down on your computer speakers. Amateur.
I agree. You and I are sister and brother. Thank you for your comment.
Read the response to my post from Artistic Savant. We are not the only race that is mistreated. If you're poor in America, you're fucked. Whatever color you are, you're fucked if you don't have money/political clout. If we as a race keep insisting its a race thing the oppressors win because we have played into…
Replace "black" with poor and "white" with rich and you're closer to the truth. It's about class. OJ got away with murder because he was rich.
It's about CLASS not race. It always has been. And as long as the vast majority of people continue to fall for the 1% tactic of divide and conquer it will never get better.
Fifty-two years old here :-) I saw an interview with Bono when "The Joshua Tree" came out. I distinctly remember him talking about his inspiration for the album in general and the sight of fighters in the sky inspiring "Bullet the Blue Sky."
I am ex-military. I was married with a pregnant wife. As an E4 in the late 80s I made $12000 per year...taxable. My BAQ and BAS added an untaxable $10000 to my income. Therefore, we were below the poverty line (because they only take taxable income into account).
Boy did you get that wrong. Bono's inspiration for Bullet the Blue Sky was his awe at the wide open spaces of the American West and the sight of fighter jets overhead-about as different from the Irish landscape as you can get. It's actually a love song to America. I think older Bono would not be penning that song…
- Writerat Grantland
Your "buddy" either flies a 747 or a 777, or doesn't exist. Captains for major airlines fly one type of equipment. Also, a major airline captain flying a heavy is at the apex of their profession. If you want to compare apples to apples you should compare a 747 captain to a cardiologist, not a general practitioner. …
Can I think about it? There's this thing called "reducing the public confidence" that is a punishable offense in my job. I am retiring in a couple years and would have no problem doing that afterward.
It sounds like you don't know what you're talking about. If you consider flying a CRJ for a regional " making the grade" you're a very easy grader. It would be easy to get lured into a dick measuring contest here. But all I was trying to say is that you don't fuck around with safety. If a pilot deliberately misses…
Accusatory tone? Allow me to explain myself. When a pilot slow taxis, or misses the high speed exit, or does anything outside of the expected, he or she is reducing the margin of safety in the system. I'm sure your friend "Mike" is a great guy. He probably has a lot of fun stories. I'd probably love to have a few…