
i actually find your reading somewhat racist, i'm not saying that to troll or insult you. but if you see that as a racist character, then as you said, it has more to do with your perception then anything he did.

but how can you say he dressed up as a racist caricature if you don't know what race he is dressing up as/ mocking?

can we just stop giving him attention?

i am sure in your world you think this is an insightful comment. how about engaging in a dialogue instead of assuming anyone who asks a question is racist against black people?

yes but if you don't know what racial group should be offended, isn't that kind of another problem? i mean unless you are part of either racial group…

cool thanks for the clarification and have a nice day

seriously, i understand the nose, and beard but is the wig really stereotypical jew? or does it appear that way when combined with the nose and beard…

Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story.

As would Cookie_monster's "gay panic" comment, if Chozen as a show had anything to do with gay panic humor…

"him being the victim in the beginning, then training/bulking up to do it back to the attacker" I FORGOT ABOUT THAT. thank you.
"Perhaps it has given me the wrong impression, but that's the line the writers walk by putting something like that in the very first episode." fair enough, don't watch something that offends

the baby from good luck charlie is now out of work…

i love him because of the amount of hate he gets, also he's pretty

he's right, that film ended perfectly, so no sequel needed

Franco should remake the truman show and star in it. Not the movie but the show in the movie…

i didn't read your response but based on the image of cookie monster, i'm gong to assume it's supports rape. Thank you teaching me the virtues of assuming offense, you rape apologist.

maybe watching the series would clear up confusions you have about it….

thank you again for the recommendation, i'll be sure to get on it.

well it's always good to judge tv/film based on ads and determine them as offensive instead of actually watching it…

wow someone love homonormativity :P

how was it "gay panic" comedy?