
Dark Knight Strikes Again and Kingdom Come, and it seems implied to have happened in the New 52/DCYou, where they are a couple.

IIRC, the only time where Niven really got taken seriously was in Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Strikes Again, where Superman doesn’t have any other Kryptonians whatsoever, and yes, he has the Niven problem. What’s worse is realizing that Supergirl, Powergirl, or Wonder Woman would all have a similar problem just

People need to recognize this for what it is: A big “What If”? Story.

The only time where I recall sex being a problem for Superman was in The Dark Knight Strikes Again, where he and his partner caused a super earthquake, and according to The Dark Knight 3, that act made a baby. Can superman get some kind of working protection to prevent him knocking up Super powered women?

You’ve got a story that never ends. Eventually, since that story never ends, you are stuck with the reality that with the need to make life tough for the hero and/or their spouse in question, you are simply reaching the point of being redundant, plus how difficult is it for the hero if they have the support of a