These appear to be just a few of the T-shirts being sold near the Los Angeles Convention Center where E3 is being…
Microsoft contests the big data report on the percentage of Xbox One players who use backwards compatibility, stating that it was “misleading due to an incomplete set of data.” You can read more here.
For all of the hullabaloo about the Switch having a minuscule launch lineup, Nintendo’s hybrid system has actually…
it’s kind of crazy. It looks soooo much like a Vita to the point that if it doesn’t have that nice weighted well put together feel like the Vita......I’ll probably never want to play it in its mobile state.
Let’s all go back in time. Before Sonic Boom, before the Dreamcast, before the Saturn. To a time when Sega was…
As a non-4K owner, I just want improved FPS and better visuals in PSVR. Sony were very wishy-washy about whether or not the Pro will provide this (they didn’t talk about FPS, and only mentioned one VR title).
Very disappointed in Sony’s obsession with 4K and HDR and not with what actual “pro” gamers (or whatever) REALLY want: higher framerates. I don’t give a rip about 4K right now. I do give a rip about more games performing at a smooth 60fps. What’s the point in calling it the PS4Pro if you are aiming for features that…