I do feel guilty for not liking the Souls series and also never get into the Metal Gear games =/
I do feel guilty for not liking the Souls series and also never get into the Metal Gear games =/
I played A LOT of Code: Verônica on my Dreamcast. Not in the list. And i think RE 2 has a Dreamcast version too.
What a man.
Ignis Scientia.
No doubt.
As a Brazilian and “kind of” Lucio main I totally agree with you about the skins. They suck. Except for the soccer one. For every friend of mine I ask they all love the “seleção” skin, it’s like Lucio being a soccer player, the uniform matches the real uniform of our team, It’s awesome even I’m not being a soccer fan…
Great talk from Jeff.
Poor Chris
Low Team Damage (!)
The uniform makes them look like cheap toys.
Didn’t get the GG EZ...
Sounds like he didn’t got paid at all.
I’m sick of people disconnecting during the match. In the last 4 days I won 2 games because the other team lost one player and I lost 6 games because one or more from my team disconnects. Blizzard should change penalties for that IMO.
That’s it!
I did try play Halo Reach three times and didn’t finished it, actually I stopped in the middle chapters. I really didn’t get along with the aim system. I’m not used to shooters and never loved the genre but playing other titles like Battlefield or Call of Duty was very fun. The Halo feels outdated to me, those alien…
Thank you for writing this.
They have a hard work ahead.
Nice done Capcom (really) but you could stop oversexualizing women in games too.
I hope they do it.
Companies should use this as a reference on how to treat the fans. The big delay on releasing the game is well rewarded with all these (looks like) high quality content.