
Holy fucking shit....

As though he just said INFOWARS.COM...

Pro tip for you, oh faithful white knight of sjws and pocs in nearly every comment.

You must have missed the part where I mentioned this was tame, saintly even, compared to the reaction this advice flipped would get from the “mob”.

If you switched this to be advice for a man instead of a woman would it be appropriate to settle down or would this very outlet be calling for the authors termination or even death?

The only thing you should get out of this is, for some reason, here is someone calling you out on your racist bullshit.

If you are not going to bother listing the character they are playing don’t bother posting the article, you are pretty much just fishing for clicks at this point

She even says outright you have him on a string - Use it. How could it be anything but using someone when you have a predetermined plan and a predetermined timeframe on leaving someone at your convenience?

You don’t have to admit it, it’s fine. Thing is you are on a video game site boo hooing about the white boogeyman, thinking there is some kind of agenda to keep POCs down.

Judging by your proudly displayed victim complex along with your use of snowflake and alt-right it’s pretty obvious that no, the real world has very much not been anything resembling awesome buttercup

Now if only we could get a judge order blkpipo to stfu...

Why? Do you some how think that’s a real thing that happens?

As usual, it’s a parody of it

You are correct and the little SJW horde is as ignorant as ever.

She really just straight out said “Use him!”