
Actually I took that to mean that no one has spoken to him about it or gotten his side of the story at all. Which does seem like something that that should happen in a proper investigation.

Without making comment on anything else in your post: no, Tambor is not saying that the victims need to speak directly to him about their grievances. He’s claiming that neither he, nor Amazon, have been told what specific action(s) caused these claims. That’s quite distinct from claiming he wants the victims to talk

Women and gender-fluid people run the show, and are his bosses, and are powerful in the context of this show. Why are they not responsible for the environment in which victims could complain, as much as Jeffrey Tambor is?

Three months is about as much as you can hope for. Pirates are a pretty close knit group and the will to not pay will always outmatch even the most expensive and complex DRM, no matter how many multi-millions are put into it. You can bend over backwards for gamers, you can try new tactics like smaller devs have, but

Yes, it’s great to hear about children being sexually exploited...... moron

Prominent? Almost no one knows who this guy is.

My apologies, I know very well how much snow Fort St. John, Valemont, St. Bride, Norman Wells gets.

Oh yes, they are wholly impractical for cars. It’s just an interesting thing that was ingrained into all of us kids growing up. And when we all left our bubble of northern West Virginia, many of us were surprised that wasn’t a bigger thing.

By about 1975, most 69 Camaros looked like that.....

Being privy to the info isn’t the same as knowing it. Unless they provided the information on a single page as a graphic, or a short bulleted list of short sentences, the president wouldn’t be able to parse it.

You really don’t understand what that term means, do you?

I don’t think you understand white privilege 

I think that’s the point. If the driver had been black, there’s a good chance this would have ended much worse than it did.

Yep, but the guy can’t drive a stick. Only his wife can.

Mine lasted fifteen years, driven pretty much 9/tenths most of the time. Then I gave it away. Then it lasted three more years. They are usably powerful with a five speed, useless with a automatic, which, unfortunately, most of them were.

Yup. No one asked for Kinect but VR definitely has its place in the future of gaming.

Not my problem you are poor.

This. If you think VR is like kinect, you havent used a vr headset yet.

So easy to spot the people who haven’t owned VR :)