
Just get rid of him already, all these fucking people and their disgusting fucking edgy streams, learn some manners and laws because this shit is tiring.

Pretty sure that’s a Lambo dude.

Any discipline they may have received has been kept under wraps, although the investigating officer recommended “non-punitive letters of instruction.”

Of course, if he just kept it all digital we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

You can’t go wrong with a digital gauge - unlike with analog ones, as we all should very well know by now.

He says in the video that it’s not fiberglass.

Warehouse full of brand new 23 year old luxury cars... sketchy story of how they were acquired from someone in bankruptcy... owner doesn’t want anyone talking about him...

I’d be fine if there was only glitchless categories, that’s all I ever run, but I think that the glitched runs still take a lot of execution and knowledge of the game on par with glitchless, and should have at least a modicum of respect.

They created an account called gamebreakingischeating to comment on an article about a speedrun that breaks the game.

That should answer the question.

What? Absolutely none of this involves hacks or cheats. Every bit of this is just using in game mechanics to achieve unexpected results. If you think this “isn’t a feat of the human mind” then where do you think it came from? Did a machine come up with the route and the glitches?

So instead of ignoring the thing you don’t like, you don’t think anyone should do it? How self-centered do you have to be to come to that conclusion?

It takes a lot of patience, practice and discipline to be able to pull off glitchruns at this speed and precision. It absolutely is a feat of the human mind.

Very very impressive, this game always boggles my brain when its speedrun.

*note; to the people that eventually say `wow breaking the game isnt speedrunning its disgraceful cheating`, as they always do, go watch in-bounds portal 2 speedruns or something, it may be more to your taste. Games have plenty of categories for


I’m glad some folks are enjoying this game; everyone has their somewhere they want to be, and that somewhere doesn’t work for other folks—and that’s fine. I enjoy a great many things others think are a waste of time.

This whole kerfuffle, though, comes off as one giant kettle of “we coasted way too hard on a

Now new. Weds releases have been popping up more and more over the past two or three years. Usually they fall after a Monday holiday when companies are concerned about retailers getting all of their shipments in time. Instead of keeping in a Tuesday and risk people getting shafted by late mail shipments, they make it

I don’t think you actually know what an “asset flip” is.  

Pretty sure the point was to have co-op in a Bethesda style game while the fun is subjective. I had a blast playing solo through the content thus far with the occasional contact with other players, mostly for events.

*shrug* They went out of their way to add a TON of new assets on top of the Fallout 4 ones though. This includes things they didn’t even have to do anything with, like adding in friggin firetrucks, jeeps and stretch limos.

god damn take my star