
They’re all kinds of things. Closer to the liberal side than the conservative side fwiw. It’s a big spectrum though.

Um, no. F this.

He’s sounds like he may be mentally ill to me.

It doesn’t seem likely that steering was the problem - if they spotted the ship bearing down on them they should have issued an all-hands call and gotten everyone above deck after securing all the hatches on that part of the ship. Instead many were below deck, sleeping. A steering failure seems like an excuse when it

Who says these aren’t cleverly disguised terrorist attacks?

Somehow this article doesn’t mention that the destroy lost steering before the collision.

Oh, that quote from George Orwell is so damn ironic. Since these people have literally and figuratively sainted the Confederate soldiers and their leaders. They have slanted history by formally declaring that it was never about slavery, that it was about state’s rights. Covering up the whole of history with a nice,

You sure it’s not a Lincoln?

You’re an engineer, which explains why you have no understanding of libel law.

This is way off base and as an engineer who is obsessed with efficiency, Disney and ABC were definitely in the wrong and deserved to pay up.

Here you go.. As high as the reflectors on the tails are, and where the signals are, I sorta think 90s (bubble) Escort. I mean, that is a lot of motion blur in this camera.

Please note: Australia does not have HOAs. In fact, most of the world does not have HOAs. We’re not that stupid.

A bunch of guys giving Nazi salutes, shouting “Jews are not whites” and teliing a counter protestor “You sound like a n*##$r”…

It was really more the fact that they were saying nazi chants and racist things that makes them racists....

Maybe, but given the large amount of videos i have seen over the past 2 days with Nazi chants, gestures, paraphernalia along with racist chants and delightful interviews with David Duke and Richard Spencer i suspect protesting the removal of a statue is the last thing on most of these peoples minds.

Get bent, Nazi apologist.

You might want to sit down for this:

Another example of normalizing their behavior. It’s so telling to me to see folks come out and try to convince people that racists are “just defending their heritage” or “just trying to save a statue” or “maybe its road rage, let’s not rush to judgement”.

What part of “White Nationalists” don’t you understand? This isn’t about a statue. It was NEVER ABOUT A STATUE.