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Brag/accomplishment thread! My brag is I’M DONE WITH GRAD SCHOOL!!! I submitted the last of my coursework today! So to celebrate I made a peach-blueberry pie with tons of crumble on top and I’m having the most amazing burger rn. I put TWO slices of cheese on it because fuck it. Lots of wine. Brag here everyone! Let’s


I have never listened to him but recently his face has been popping up all over the internet enough for me to gather that’s he’s a famous pop singer. All I can say is that if he were a woman looking like that I doubt he would be a famous pop singer.

Lyrically, his music themes are generally “negging victimized nice guy” and he’s carefully crafted this underdog persona and talks about how he was a bullied outsider though, by all accounts, he was a popular kid who grew up in a comfy, well-educated, well-connected family who supported and pushed his music career. He

Going to tapas places with a group of people is exhausting, even without a belly dancer swirling about and making me feel uncomfortable. Everyone wants to share the plates, which fine, except I don’t eat red meat so then I can only eat half of what we’ve ordered for the table, and I end up taking more than my share of