
Remember that the iPad was launched by an old - Steve Jobs, 55.

Not so cool when they hack the Smart Lock on your front door.

Why cook the potatoes in water? Aren’t you just increasing the moisture that has to be evaporated before browning can occur? I microwave them on a microwave “roaster” pan. Then I heat a cast iron pan, put in ghee and fry the taters to golden, crisp perfection. Why ghee? Ghee has a smoke point of 485°F (252°C) while

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“Natural flavour” and “hydrolized protein” are common terms for glutamate and are found in many, many foods. Since these food almost always contain sodium, you have been effectively eating mono sodium glutamate for most of your life with no major ill affects. The fake news about MSG stems from a speculative letter

It is limited to one book at a time.

The tennis ball in a sock (dog toy) also makes a great DIY anti-snoring device. Pin it to the back of the snorer’s night shirt with a diaper pin(safe for babies, safe for adults). When the seeping snorer turns on his back, the ball irritates him enough to turn on his side, but not enough to waken him. Since most

The “principal” varies from school to school and sometimes from year to year. But the principle remains the same.

Cell phones are not allowed to be brought into most exam rooms due to the ease of cheating with them. So it is better to practice on the instrument you can actually use during an exam.

This is only possible for very special data files that contains lots of duplicates e.g. zip bombs - 42.zip is a 42kb file that when extracted results in 4.5 petabytes! (Caution : Do not try download and extract this file as it will likely crash your system)

True dat! Glutamate and sodium are found in many foods - Parmesan, tomatoes, mushrooms et alia. So why is there no Italian restaurant/cooking syndrome? MSG has been in instant ramen for over 50 years, so why is there no college student cooking syndrome?

Thank you for your compassionate and comprehensive reply to this technical support request. It is wise to remind people that Android text messages may or may not be stored on SIM cards. Smartphone factory reset does not completely wipe out data. There are tools for recovering deleted data from a SIM card. Do not

Financial literacy is to mathematics as literacy is to literature.

Please note that Chrome Canary is not supported on Linux OS, sigh.

Bacteria can multiply every 20 minutes. Therefore one E. coli guy can produce 2 million guys in 7 hours. If this concerns you don’t use dishcloths or sponges to wash dishes. 

The CDC recommends against sun brewing tea as the water does not get hot enough(above 130°F) to kill bacteria present on tea or in water. However the warm water stimulates bacterial growth.

Feeding birds in public parks and on city property is prohibited in my hometown, Toronto(and discouraged by the USDA). “The Parks bylaw (TMC Chapter 608, Article II 608-36) prohibits the feeding or attempt to feed or deposit food for consumption by wildlife.” There are over 60 diseases that can be spread by bird poop.

Most birds have a second stomach, the gizzard. It has muscular walls to grind up seeds, bones, insects, etc. They often swallow grit to speed up the process.