
The human brain is the most complex organization of matter in the known universe. Yet sleep trackers assert that its sleep states can be captured precisely with two somewhat inaccurate sensors - an accelerometer and a pulse meter. I have had PSG(polysomnograms)‘s. They required about a half hour to hook up and

It takes an eggspurt to get people out of their shells by egging them on!

“Common sense” is often an oxymoron. If a belief is common, it often does not make sense. If it is makes sense, it is often not common.

I am not advocating rule breaking, but rule changing based on real world experience. 

According to the CDC and StatsCan, 1 in 3 Americans and Canadians do not get enough sleep. As a person with undiagnosed sleep apnea for most of my life I can attest to the negative effects on health - headaches on awakening, night terrors, microsleeps(suddenly falling asleep for a few seconds) during the day,

Your “obsessive research” before medical appointments seems a little laid back to me. You are only concerned with diseases at the 1% of the population level. I had one at the 0.001% level. I then watch Youtube videos of any surgical procedure and/or equipment to be used. I even read the math (Radon function) that

The stand on the right side and walk on the left escalator rule is a bad one. Firstly it promotes uneven wear (more on the right side) on the escalator “belt” leading to increased repairs. Secondly it is not safe to walk on moving “treads.” Thirdly there is about a 30% increase in throughput by simply standing on both

Regular Bisquick contains hydrogenated fat i.e. trans fat which is a nutritional no-no. Wikipedia states “One cup of Bisquick can be substituted by a mixture of one cup of flour, ​1 1⁄2 teaspoons of baking powder, ​1⁄2 teaspoon of salt, and ​2 1⁄2 tablespoons of oil or melted butter (or by cutting in ​2 1⁄2 tbsp

Isn’t it wiser, not to mention more satisfying, to choose based on flavour? Perhaps that is why over 90% of avocados grown are of the Haas variety.

Another good reason to use Lynx, a text based browser. GUI’s are for wusses! Mastering command line interfaces shows, well, character.

Do a clean system boot by running msconfig. This will load windows but none of the “fluffware.”. If this speeds up your computer then you will know if you have a software problem.    https://support.logitech.com/en_ca/article/228

Pickles add probiotics, fibre and other nutritional goodies. My favourite is kimchi! Beet is delish and pretty. Sauerkraut is fun, too. Wikipedia lists 147 types of pickled vegetables. Customize your BEC sammie.

“Cat litter, instant couscous, instant rice, and instant oatmeal all performed better than uncooked white rice—everyone’s favorite damn drying agent.”

How dare you challenge the religion of hydro-consumerism? It takes a lot of faith to sell humanity a million bottles of water every minute. Water is the universal solvent. Drink enough (in the right containers and blessed by virtuous filters) and all your sins and misfortunes will be washed away. No scientific

Meal utensils are not the appropriate tools to save the planet. We cannot eat our way to salvation.

Cassava only contains 2% of the daily requirement for protein per 100 gram serving. It is mostly starch and water.

There is a fourth category of bad hacks - the anti-hack. This is where you deny the existence of a serious issue instead of trying different hacks to fix it e.g. climate change, income disparity, bigotry, etc. 

Instant coffee is extracted with a hot brew method. So it will have more acidity, bitterness and different flavours than cold brew coffee.

Instant coffee is extracted with a hot brew method. So it will have more acidity, bitterness and different flavours