
Nope. Sandberg is pretending she’s dancing between raindrops and not getting wet. But she’s saying outright, “We stand with Peter Thiel, and we want thin-skinned cowards with money where their balls should be on our Board.”

I knew i’d read something about it somewhere. they think all global leaders are actually alien lizards. You have to wonder if people really believe that or are just playing along.

Yes. There’s a former BBC presenter named David Icke who insists Princess Diana told him the Queen and all the most powerful people in the world were lizard aliens. He has a lot of followers, though how many are serious I don’t know.

“Only the best heat lamps and the best terrarium, with a big plastic rock between me and the Mexican lizard.”

To be fair, particle accelerators are basically the same idea.

Kate still has a contract with Rimmel cosmetics. Beyond that I’m not really sure.

Jfc that's sad. Painkillers would definitely explain a lot about Ryder.

exactly - I mean the cops can’t do much if she didn’t want to press charges. my photos were enough to convince CPS that I was being beaten and they helped me get counselling. as someone who more than once defended her drunk husband to police as he beat me up all the time, I get why she stayed. Most women get killed

Kate Moss doesn’t have to be doing anything these days. No one has had as long and successful a modeling career as Kate has (with perhaps the exception of Naomi). No one. She is a legend and I don’t even think she’s 45 yet.

I am currently living with someone who pulled that shit last night on me. I reminded her that I am living with her because I ran to escape my husband, who beat me all the fucking time. I told her to remember how bad people were to me when I first ran, stating no one had heard him threaten me to slit my throat or we

The fashion industry gives zero fucks about Johnny Depp and will NEVER turn its back on Kate. Ever.

Yeah TMZ is the leader of the pack. And the douche bag lawyer is using evidence that is a picture from Instagram.... Where her hair is covering that part of her face which actually proves it even more. I am really shocked that people I know and like have been real shitheads about this, they can't believe their beloved

this right here - bruises are not the indicator of if abuse happened. I had my ex break my fucking arm. i had a friend fix it for me (she’s a nurse) but the amount of people saying, “but we weren’t there” just pisses me off. dude, i can get an xray and show what was done but most of the abuse was never anything

At least there is a chance that we’ve seen the end of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise

i know someone who is currently drinking box wine like apple juice, i need to get him help or get out so i know this too well