
Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your ass. Happy Hanukkah.

Ya know, maybe cryptocurrency will be the answer for artists who create adult material. Fiat peddlers(paypal, visa, etc) may not want to work with them but nobody seems to have a problem with converting crypto to fiat so far, and once again, we’ll be seeing porn leading the way to innovation. XD

I’m sure he has some clay pots people can dash against a wall in the hopes of finding loose change.

Don’t look like he gotta helluva lot to steal....

That sexy background music... the corn rotisserie, that sweet sweet butter brush.... I’m so hor...hungry. I’m hungry.

yea the notification window is fucking horrendous now.

You forgot the part where they took all the functionality out of the notifications window by mashing everything into on big list. Why would they do this!?

Wyoming is beautiful, especially when compared to the over-sized roach motel that is New York. Throw in the smug, “worship me because I live in this shitty city” New Yorkers and anything in Wyoming would be a steal.