
They are not fast food. They have better food. Better service (bringing food to to your table and checking in on you. And higher prices.

Dumbass. The 'rape victim' was the one who kidnapped the 13 year old and gave her to her husband to rape.

And i am sure that you are a commenter that has been banned. Please kill yourself

Fairlyvexxed. That be you

Y u hate sawsa?

Its cross section is way to large and I doubt it carbon material based also

Look. I start my weekend drinking early.

Chipotle is garbage. Nothing they serve is good. Moe's chips and sauca rock. They also have melted cheeeeeeeese

Probably just a west coast bias on their report.

When did fudruckers become fast food. Fiveguys. Firehouse sub's. And panera bread are considered fast casual.

Chipotle does not have the beat burritos. Their meat is gross, their sauces are gross, their rice is gross. Moe's bests the fuck out of chipotle in all the ways.