Atop posting stupid unintelligent posts.
Atop posting stupid unintelligent posts.
No. You are just stupid
Hahahahahah no. They just need to raise taxes to a logical level. Something the south never had done and it shows. The south might as well be a third world country
Fucking inbred Texan. Go the fuck away
Anyone that thinks this is spahhire glass is a moron. Spahhire glass would never bend like that. It physically couldn't
Man you are stupid as hell
I blame le phone and my lack of attention to typing on said phone
You sound like an anti choice shitbag
You really are stupud.
Says the loser who reads jalopnik. Jalopnik is as misogynistic as kotaku. Lol
Ita called sarcasm and hyperbole. Ellen is a troll and I was trollkng her back. Go take your maleself and fuck yourself
Hahahah. Cuz men are emotionless animals. You have a low opinion of men.
Cant expect much from this site. Sadly
You are an asshole
yes he is. He is a stupid fucking libertarian. He's an uneducated piece of shit
can you libertarian dumbass get the fuck off this fucking site already. I'm sick of you stupid fucks infesting thissite. fuck you
The female writers have written articles that support rape, racism, child molestation, and worse. Women who write for Jezebel are the problem.
If this woman didn't do what she did then no rape would of happened. Please kill yourself. Just please
The woman kidnapped the girl and gave the girl to her husband to rape. Chew on that fucker
Irs simple to make another burner account.