
I don’t think the tax cuts are as unpopular as a national abortion ban would be.  Something like 75% of people support Roe and would not want to see it overturned.  Meanwhile something like 50-60% of people really hated the tax cuts based on what I can glean.

That may have been true once, but not anymore.

Eh, maybe. Abortion is still widely seen as something that should be legal, but Republicans may be able to get away with state bans in deeper red states without much trouble. Making a national ban takes abortion from being an issue people may disagree with Republicans on and still vote for them because it’s not a

In a number of red states they are, anyways. What’s going to happen is abortion access will still exist, but you’ll either need to live in a state that doesn’t institute a ban or be able to drive/fly to one.

They didn’t need to target the building — except they really weren’t targeting Hamas.

Not necessarily but it could be. There’s a fairly decent chance Democrats lose the House (one thing the fairly optimistic OP didn’t address at all is the fact that the House majority got slimmer), and the Senate is a tough but more evenly matched fight, as of today.

The funny thing is, if she’d just had that reaction, she would have been fine.  Do we seriously think people who care about workers on her show are the ones who have supported her ratings for decades?  I doubt it.  

Yes, there are fronts of the “culture war” and on social policy where progressives are winning. But those wins are not necessarily permanent. Fast growing segments of voters come from fairly religious and conservative backgrounds. They may continue to tolerate a level of pluralism where gay marriage continues to be

Republican policies don’t work and everyone knows it. Demographics are shifting to make the US a majority minority population. The culture war is over and has been for a long time - conservative sensibilities are seen as weird and deeply offensive, and rightly so. The Republicans are in a fight for survival, and

Oh honey, you couldn’t be more mistaken. I’m a black man who’s just recognized that the new ways of thinking about Anti-Racism are closer to a mental disease than a coherent philosophy of how to fix oppression and racism.  They prompt young writers like Beth here to constantly signal that they think certain people,

If you are trying to write to an audience where one of it’s central tenets is “White women are the worst! Don’t be a Karen! I read White Fragility!” then it’s not bad form, it’s just what you have to do in order to not have the audience turn on you like a rabies infested dog.

Read the tweets directly without this article and it’s painfully obvious that’s exactly the case. Come back around and re-read the Root post and you’ll find yourself cringing that someone paid to write about the happenings of social media so badly missed the mark on what they are covering.  

I don’t think he’s conflating the two, I think the Root is confused in their belief that he’s talking about “cancel culture” at all. Read the tweets as a continuous statement and it becomes pretty clear he’s talking about “getting cancelled” in the context of creators being worried about their shows getting cancelled

Of course bad faith actors talking about “cancel culture” are just that, bad faith actors. Whether it exists and does actual harm is probably not usefully tested by measuring the words of disingenuous little fuckweasels like Josh Hawley.

Eh, if this is bullshit, then all of marketing and advertising of any sort is bullshit, and I certainly don’t think Jezebel would try to actually make that argument with a straight face. (Though maybe they would.  I don’t think we’re dealing with the brightest crayons in the box around here anymore).

Haha, I didn’t do the math, but there are theaters that have done that sort of marathon. It might have been over the course of 3 or 4 days but people buy tickets to the whole thing. It’s not my cup of tea. I made sure to see the biggest movies of the series in theater and caught a lot of the tier 2 solo hero movies on

You are correct!

You should talk to your bank. Your bank has gotten relief from having to treat your loan as delinquent, and from restructuring your loan resulting in it being deemed permanently “impaired” from their regulators, the whole goal of that relief is so they will do that sort of accommodation after the pandemic ends.

You should talk to your bank. Your bank has gotten relief from having to treat your loan as delinquent, and from restructuring your loan resulting in it being deemed permanently “impaired” from their regulators, the whole goal of that relief is so they will do that sort of accommodation after the pandemic ends.

If there had been a some kind of moratorium of mortgage payments, landlords and and renters wouldn’t be pitted against each other during a worldwide public health crisis that crashed economies and put people out of work.