
Haha, I didn’t do the math, but there are theaters that have done that sort of marathon. It might have been over the course of 3 or 4 days but people buy tickets to the whole thing. It’s not my cup of tea. I made sure to see the biggest movies of the series in theater and caught a lot of the tier 2 solo hero movies on

You are correct!

You should talk to your bank. Your bank has gotten relief from having to treat your loan as delinquent, and from restructuring your loan resulting in it being deemed permanently “impaired” from their regulators, the whole goal of that relief is so they will do that sort of accommodation after the pandemic ends.

You should talk to your bank. Your bank has gotten relief from having to treat your loan as delinquent, and from restructuring your loan resulting in it being deemed permanently “impaired” from their regulators, the whole goal of that relief is so they will do that sort of accommodation after the pandemic ends.

If there had been a some kind of moratorium of mortgage payments, landlords and and renters wouldn’t be pitted against each other during a worldwide public health crisis that crashed economies and put people out of work.

So you’re saying marketers ... marketed their product?  They highlighted the fact that people really enjoyed going to the movies and experiencing pop culture phenomenon together and that’s somehow bullshit?

European social democracies that tax people a lot more and have a lot less inequality still have billionaires.

Unfortunately, the trailer is incredibly effective at its goal

I suspect their biggest contribution to NIMBY-ism is constantly demanding EI reports while never suggesting that what is a long, expensive and cumbersome process be reformed to go faster, be less expensive while still providing the same information.  Demanding an EI report is one of the many ways NIMBYs stall

I think exploiting very limited amounts of hypocrisy that happened well before the election is something that many US politicians are very good at, yes. Look I’m not saying it ‘s going to happen, just saying it would be possible with someone other than Jenner. 

Hey I’m saying Jenner’s not the candidate.  That’s not my point.

I don’t think there’s a lane for a Republican, and probably not one who supported Trump, but I think in California if you ran a campaign that focused on unorthodox issues there might be a lane for a more Schwarzenegger style Republican to slip in.

I think that depends a lot on the nature of the local chapter. For sure there are plenty of them on the West Coast that struggle with NIMBY-ism.  I’m not sure that’s the case here though.

Ask him about whether he’d support building multifamily housing near him and watch him recoil in horror.

But to buy pasture-raised eggs, you must first venture to the “good” supermarkets found in most affluent neighborhoods across the country.

My experience with Sprouts is that as a “corporate” farmer’s market it’s very YMMV.

The thing about malls is that they are like suburbs. There are old style malls and suburbs that are dying and new style malls and suburbs that are thriving. Jezebel largely writes about the former because they hate that the latter is successful, mostly because they represent a version of the culture that isn’t as easy

The thing is, we know nothing about her that actually matters for assessing whether she should work at the CIA. This is a fundamental problem with so heavily “centering” (vomits) identity in how you view things like who should have important jobs in government.

Okay, but, like, if we bake a cheap cake, slather on some cheap frosting and the “photo op” is just mom shooting with her iPhone, can it still not be some “sadistic” thing that someone who willingly accepts the title of “cultural theorist” won’t endlessly deconstruct?

I feel like it’s to bait outlets like Jezebel into taking up the transparently ridiculous position that you should be able to voluntarily choose to do a Vogue cover in a skimpy outfit while not having people sexualize you.