
Of course, crying “bad faith” always a sign that someone is arguing from a strong position.

If removing the revenues that you make from payment for order flow would cause the removal of free commissions—doesn’t that mean that trading on Robinhood isn’t free to begin with because you’re just hiding the cost? The cost in terms of potentially poor execution or the cost of lost rebates to your customers?

There are lots of super smart teachers.

Nope, it has plenty to do with tribalism.  Tribalism reinforces all the attitudes and beliefs that lead to people talking like this.  Pretending it doesn’t is silly.

If progressives really are the more enlightened, educated group of people, it stands to reason they should be quicker to recognize the pointlessness of the endless cycle of culture war snark and find a way to break the current detente.

Nope not what I want at all. First and foremost because I’m selfish and I live in a city.

Look, my dignity doesn’t cost real dollars so if you’re telling me I can fly places for free then what I’m going to suggest is that we use this as an opportunity to reclaim Qaaludes and Rohipnol from date rapists/ Bill Cosby and put them to good use facilitating free flights.

Save me $50 on a domestic flight and I’ll do it.

It’s true, but that doesn’t change the fact that we have to figure out a workable way to co-exist because “net federal tax dollars” flowing from cities to the countryside doesn’t change the fact that life and economic activity in the cities would grind to a very short and brutal halt without those rural areas.

At the root of this, and at the root of the reaction a lot of people have to this guy, is tribalism that exists along many axes, including urban vs. rural.

A part of the problem is the nature of the Republican party in Texas. Texas is a purple state, probably closer to blue than Ohio. Dallas and Austin are very blue, and Houston is also fairly blue. Yet Ohio gets fairly moderate governors like Kasich and Dewine, and a fairly progressive senator like Sherrod Brown keeps

Nope, not what I mean at all.

But ultimately there will continue to be small towns, even as the number of people who live in them shrink, and their challenges need to be addressed.

This guy’s a loon (as many small town mayors are) but that sales tax probably does NOT give the town of Colorado City, Texas with it’s whopping 4,000 residents and no meaningful tourist/travel stops much of a real budget to support residents in a once a generation emergency.

Hard to say without really being close to the situation, but if there is a situation where I can at least understand why someone has decided to become an imperious asshole who is protective of their relationships to the point of doing this, maybe it’s if they had Stage 4 cancer?

Though there will be knock on effects. Lots of businesses, ranging from restaurants to other business services, are built around the 9-5 workday involving mass quantities of workers coming into cities and then leaving them.  Not sure that’s really quantifiable yet, but that will be disruptive.

My guess is they assumed, probably correctly, that the vast majority of PC players play this with a controller. I’ll use mouse & keyboard for shooters for the mouse precision, and also for games with tons of hotkeys, but for games like this or Dark Souls where movement fluidity is crucial, most people just don’t like

In Kaepernick’s case, I’ll grant that he wasnt playing nearly as well as his biggest stans attempt to frame it, but quarterbacks with starting experience are so highly valued that he definitely should have caught on somewhere as a backup.  

I’m not too old for it in the sense of enjoying the visuals.

  • Possibly has a very small risk of turning into an arc welder.