
Nope, not even close.

Generally I have and would prefer to keep it that way, but the problem with farting in court, believing Dominion is run by Venezuela, and that the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS is a part of a secret pedophile ring is that you become the new high water mark for publicly posted deranged stupidity.

Not even remotely close to true.

It’s funny watching commenters and randos on Twitter who don’t understand the basic mechanics of short selling & being a brokerage for a hyper volatile stock make assertions that are only marginally less crazy and stupid than anything uttered by Rudi Giuliani, Sidney Powell or Lin Wood following the election.

The thing that strikes me about a lot of these threads is that they read like the person criticizing the book watched a Youtube video where a 14 year old discusses the book after reading the Cliff Notes.

All of you lucky bastards. My experience was like Ethan’s, except a bit more rigid on the “chores for gaming” system. Also my parents were conservative Christians in the 80s, which meant that games with “dark” sorts of magic were strictly limited to playing with friends at their houses lest I wind up like the kid at


I assume the Trump O would file BK if they can’t roll the debt. He could probably find some hedge funds who will lend against the collateral he can post, but their rates will be high and their contractual terms will be tough.  I suspect DB just wants out of the relationship altogether at this point.

But does this cure you of crippling anxiety and a lifelong identity crisis?

But that pricing is a “WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING TO STOP THE BLEEDING” kind of pricing. Ultimately when their landlords and/or mortgage debt holders say “yeah uh, time to pay something reasonable again” $99 in seat revenue a screen won’t even be close to good enough.

True, though AMC and Cinemark had started to glom on to this fact and were steadily changing their theaters where more of them had dining/beer/in-movie service. This was especially happening in fast growing suburbs where lots of Alamo Drafthouse style boutique theaters had cropped up. The closest theater to me was a

Personally thrilled. Pragmatically though ... I dunno.

In re: the retirees — honestly I doubt there’s much hope for them. By the time you get to be that age two things are true about you if you are still with it.

Maybe, but I think there are a lot of people pretending that there are not real structural challenges with the Latino/Hispanic communities in Florida & Texas that might mean outreach efforts are going to have limited effect unless progressives are willing to accept somewhat heterodox candidates in some of those

I agree. Some folks on here are suggesting Florida, but the problems in Florida are a different duck than the challenges of Georgia, Mississippi & Alabama.  

Maybe, but honestly, given her intimate knowledge of Georgia and the fact that Georgia is going to be a key battleground (especially if Latino/Hispanic splintering is going to keep TX/FL out of play for a few more cycles at least) her continuing to focus on Georgia, Georgia, Georgia seems more useful than a cabinet

Over the last four years, the once-beloved Collins became a national symbol of the disingenuous collaborator bowing to the Trump administration’s myriad pressures

I always like the map guys best in general.

That’s true at the margins, but the meat of his support is still white men and then white women.

There definitely is some truth to the idea that the Republican party as previously constituted is changing. Ultimately I think what we are seeing as that they are starting to capture a higher share of the culturally/socially conservative portions of minority groups. Early exit polls are only useful for looking at very