
Minecraft is my main “turn of my brain” and relax option. I don’t play for the end game. I explore/carve out big cave, and then when I have too much cobblestone I go topside and build onto a castle or town I have going. It has an almost zen garden quality for me. Just interesting enough to engage some creativity, but

came here for deku, im satisfied. 

Wait, you want them to both work and to not be overpriced? Well excuuuuuse me.

Of any Nintendo home consoles that I ever owned across its history, NES and Wii U were the only one I never bought. Wii U looks like a clunker and I held back from purchasing it because I was waiting to see if any original Metroid and Zelda and No More Heroes games would come out on it.

I’m in the category of not liking these glitch runs. I wholly endorse your explanation of why my opinion on this is irrelevant to the community who does like this stuff! :)

And because it seems to come up every time a post about glitched speedrunning is made:

I mean, not like the game physically moved your controller or read what other games you liked to play. So no big deal really.

It absolutely will not stop, unless it sees its shadow.

Ground Conner is getting ready to fight this G2 Terminator robo-hog.

There is a meaningful, logical difference between “this term has been used in some contexts in ways that were harmful” and “this term is harmful in all contexts”. This article seems to be implying that the former conclusion should always lead to the latter. I do not believe that is a rational viewpoint.

In my opinion, this article feels a bit damaging to general cultural progress if you’re trying to handcuff someones intent to something they didn’t intend. Historically, there is a million ways we all could be up in arms against every facet of everyday life if we want to deadlock ourselves to the negative and ignore

This won’t get past the grays, since most people are piling on at this point. But I’ll say this much as a counterpoint:

I can’t say I really see an issue here. Especially if they’re using it as an adjective. There’s enough real things to have an issue with that we don’t need to keep looking for the next thing to be outraged about. I mean, while we’re debating who/what is woke enough or not, Trump and the GOP are fucking up the country.

Except it seems like your game can be affected regardless of whether or not you chose to “buy in” since these changes are impacting people who otherwise might be happy to play their original copy of WC3.

Once again proving there's a Simpson's gif for everything.

Works for the Lumber King.

I can pick out ugly stills from almsot any anime. Stills do not represent the quality of an entire series. Even Demon Slayer likely has some ugly stills. The seires has animation issues because it had production issues when its last production company droped the series and a new one was brought in, however its not

That’s just a different category, dude. Any% has specific rules, and what you’re looking for is the Glitchless category.  Don’t look for a marathon in the 100m sprint.