
I'm surprised some annoying dude off camera wasn't talking the whole time.

My condolences to the family and those affected. If you are suffering thoughts of suicide, please reach out to someone near you or national hotlines.

Zoe Quinn did not kill Alec Holowka. Substantiated allegations of abuse which continued into this very summer did not kill Alec Holowka. It is very hard to know what to do with tragedies like this one when he was both victim and victimizer. What we must not do is erase the very real harm he caused many women, no

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


If you’re going to hop into an Arkham game, I really recommend starting with the first game in the series, Arkham Asylum.

Now playing

Going to have to go with the one, the only — SXX Tricky.

I immediately gravitated to Peach as a kid because she was a girl. She even had long brown hair, just like I did (or so I perceived it; bit of a shock later when she was later depicted as blonde). She wore a dress, but was as just as capable as the guys. The float ability was a surprise and a bonus! Most of my friends

I forgot that gag. I miss Darcy :(

Now playing

Yes, we did. We also learned that Vegeta is apparently knowledgeable about 80's gag mangas.

He wasn’t, and you should go back and read the manga or watch the series in Japanese again to cleanse your palate of fandom and the abridged series warped take on the character.

Its funny that the frankenstein looking android from Dragon Ball made a cameo while we got nothing of launch since...the end of dragon ball z? I never watched GT so I dont know if she even appears in that.

Is it really a moral high ground when there is nothing moral about the stance? Like it’s not the 1950's, I think most people realize porn is a normal thing and that sex sells and have become comfortable in that reality.

I want to know the Pokemon equivalent of popplers

There’s also the cultural value of putting an actual bloodsports champion in a fighting game, which, whether it turned out well or not, just makes a lot more sense to me than a DJ. This is a bit of an apples/oranges situation, imo. Pretty much every video game has one or two voices that just don’t work as well as the

Yeah. I’m firmly on the side of this being of lesser quality than Rousey’s work, from what snippets I’ve heard so far..

They are both low quality, which is fine, because the whole game is pretty low quality.

The thing is, the Fukushima point works both ways. As you say, Fukushima Prefecture is big, and many parts of it were not evacuated, like the area around the stadium. But at the same time, they ARE affected by association with the name Fukushima, one synonymous with disaster.

You’re right. Since fixing this one wrong thing won’t fix all wrong things we should never ever fix anything that’s wrong ever again.

This is the answer, of course. It’s so obvious that it will never happen.
