
In Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire, Linoone’s (and Zigzagoon) Pick Up ability was pretty broken, able to get you Ultra Balls and Rare Candies from as early as you can catch one.. which is on the very first route. But they nerfed the ability in Emerald, where the quality of items you can get scale with the Pokemon’s level.

So Kingdom Hearts.. depended on a couple of rodents?

Been digging into Project Diva Future Tone again. I wanted to try and learn songs on Extreme but, I’m not sure that’s for me. I’m really bad at doing quick button changes in the middle of a chain.

Sounds like reasonable-fucking-requests to me.

I’ll bet their saving their BIG surprise reveal for E3: Playable Bowsette in 3D World mode. :P

I’d just be happy knowing what the updates actually did. For example, once in a while Project Diva Future Tone will update, and I have no idea what changed.

In singular discussion with a person (or a small group of people), if someone is experiencing something for the first time, I’ll keep spoilers to myself. But in a broad setting, its okay to talk about things past a certain point. Over 20 years is well past that point.

Is the Nintendo Switch region locked?

So Catwoman couldn’t keep her kitty friends in line, huh?

Something, something, Burn Heal joke

I love that he includes elements of both original Dragon Ball and GT.

I think its more like how they interpreted the scene in AoU. And its not unique to them, I’ve heard the theory before. I disagree with it though, because you can see how Evans’ arms strain to lift it. If he could lift it would take no strain, Thor and Vision lift it effortlessly. (“Its terribly well balanced.” “Well,

If you haven’t ran into Gardevoir stuff, you’ve just gotten lucky.

You’re right, that’s a pretty glaring omission. In my defense, I don’t know Gens 4 and 5 very well.

Hey, so I don’t want to kink shame or be mean to anyone, but boy you can find a lot of furry porn involving this Pokemon on the internet

For the most part, I don’t think the time travel in Endgame was that hard to grasp. Luckily, they basically used DBZ’s time travel logic, so I already had a grasp on it. Having said that, the Captain America twist does then constitute a plot hole. As its presented its not consistent with how the rest works. But I’m

I haven’t had this big a feeling of “Really? People take issue with this?” since that bit that was on the AV Club last year about Mulan. This isn’t quite as dumb as that was, but its up in that range.

If I remember right, in the anime, Jessie wanted to get a Beautifly to use in Contests. But she didn’t notice her Wurmple evolved into Cascoon instead of Silicoon. When it finally evolved into Dustox... she loved it anyway, I think even declaring it prettier then Beautifly.

My favorite stupid narrative is the “Netherealms did this on purpose to see what they can get away with.” You know... in a game where microtransactions don’t work like that.

Oh man, I had completely forgotten they did TWO Mortal Kombat characters. I shouldn’t have because now I recall seeing a lot of people pissed off about that.