
Is there any reason not to start implement these sooner? Like... now, sooner?

I think this is the best way to enjoy long anime series. I think part of the reason I’ve never felt too frustrated by One Piece’s pacing is watching it 4-6 episodes at a time instead of one episode once a week.  

Does anyone think it might be possible that Sony and Marvel have been lying about Venom being in a seperate continuity from the MCU, to attempt to hide Peter getting the Black Suit in Infinity War?

I’ve never heard of that. People actually do that with donuts? Fucking savages.

Hey, at least this way, we don’t have to worry about teams holding cities for ransom to get public funding for stadiums.

Hmm. I don’t think I’ve actually ever noticed the markings before.

I did a dumb thing and missed the “and Legends for the 3DS” that was in the paranthesis. Sorry about that.

Meh. I’d be more interested if they announced a Hyrule Warriors 2 then another port. Unless they added in the 3DS content too (at least the exclusive story mode episodes), which doesn’t sound like is the case.

Agreed. Some people or acts don’t deserve your understanding for why they were done. Some things are just never justified.

You might want to put a spoiler warning cause of the “On the Moon” thing, though.

I think it was a joke on the fact that your Switch would, you know.. now be a different color.

I might be remembering wrong, but doesn’t Twitch usually put sub money from GDQs towards the charity? At the very least, Games Done Quick puts whatever money they’d make from subs to the charity. So, subbing would not only let people chat, it’d also be a way to donate. Then just un-sub after the marathon has ended.

Make the main character of a series a secondary character in the film adaption, but still name it after that main character. Because fans looooove that kind of thing. (I should probably note that I don’t have any connection to or affinity for Spawn, so maybe I’m the wrong person to complain about this. But, I feel

Well, yeah, but that was a different show.

Can The Doctor say “fucking” in an interview? I guess she’s breaking new ground in more ways than one. Whatever, I dig it.

For real, what is up with that picture?

The eyes are kind of scary, though.

2 to 3? Or if there’s something specific you’re doing it could be less. Like, I streamed a playthrough of Donkey Kong Country once, and even though I’m no speed runner, still beating that game took less then 2 hours. And once I did, that was that, stream done.

Well, if it does flop, hopefully the success Wonder Woman had will mitigate any damage... I mean, the film industry is incredibly short sided and prone to knee-jerk reactions, so probably not, but we can hope.

I think this is less “Movies you should give a damn about” and more “all the movies we could think of that we knew about.” Props for trying to give a positive spin to all the summaries, though.