
Maybe you should write for Game Theory. :P

Fuck yes.

I like the Doflamingo arc, mostly. But they are both really long.

I hope once we get to Wano, Oda stops splitting up the Straw Hats. Its kind of lame completely losing half the crew for so long.

Is this the “Bechdel test isn’t a great measurement of quality” I’m interpreting it as? I like Thor 1 and 2, but I know a lot of people don’t.

See, this is all the security guard from FNAF needed. Was to bring a sledgehammer into work with him/her.

Couldn’t the pay off in that “the force is strong in my family” be Kylo Ren?

Well, they did try changing their cute mascot once.

This is what I landed on, too. Like, The Force decided to take another crack at it.

Oh, I don’t have a Black Friday Backlog. I just have a regular backlog of half started games from all over the place.

Its also educational! I learned new things, like the word “fellatio!”

Are you fucking serious? I’m just giving an opinion. If other people don’t agree with me, that’s fine. I’m just stating something that, to me, would have made the film better. Should we preface everything negative we ever say about a movie with “IMO?” That should be assumed.

Now playing

This video from Folding Ideas provides a pretty good summary of this crap.


Some people theorize that the trainer writes the Pokedex entries themself, so the inconsistencies can be chalked up to them using their imagination.. I personally believe this theory to be shit because 1) I think it just sounds dumb and 2) Oak, and I think most of the other professors, explicitly say “It automatically

Well, hopefully the scripting is tight, so people don’t misinterpret characters as saying things they didn’t actually say.

A few too many, at that. There was a lot of good comedy in that film, but the two biggest issues are 1: The Devil’s Anus joke is dumb (I’m positive it only exists so they could get Tom Hiddleston to say “Through the anus”) and 2: Korg should’ve been cut back more.

I stand with the guy who said “Green, green.”

You like the Porgs now, but if they help orchestrate the destruction of the First Order, how will you feel then? Will they go the way of the Ewok?

To be honest, I don’t really like Winter Soldier’s voice either. Black Widow’s is pretty good, though.