
They gotta shill that digital release.

Weekend? Ha ha ha...

Peter, what business do you have telling someone he’s too young to be Spider-Man? Well, I suppose realizing that hypocrisy will be part of the arc going forward.

It should’ve been a Shwarma joint.

Meanwhile, some new set photos show Wally West getting a costume upgrade... specifically, by donning Barry’s outfit.

I just want to know why the trailer used an orchestral version of the melody from “Gangster Paradise” as its music. Although, I guess that could’ve been sampled in the first place...

If Michelle wasn’t meant to be the MCU’s version of Mary Jane, they probably shouldn’t have done the “MJ” line at all, since now nothing short of having the actual Mary Jane appear will convince most people that she’s not.

Better then my blunder. Before I realized it was Karen, I guess cause I saw her first and she didn’t register her because she wasn’t blue, I thought “Why the hell is Black Widow on this thing?”

Usually, I sort of get the whole “not wanting to alienate younger viewers” reasoning that the anime doesn’t reference many old characters or events. I don’t like it, but I sort of get it. In this instance, though, its completely stupid.

I think I saw a Twitter post from James Gunn where he joked that maybe Stan’s cameo in Civil War wasn’t his only stint as a FedEx delivery man. Seems as good a handwave as any if you need one.

Well, anime shows have done this before, right? And its not new to Dragon Ball, either. For example, during the Cell Games, when Goku is powering up, it includes an animation taken straight from the show’s opening sequence, except changed so that Goku’s a Super Saiyan and changing a blue burst of energy to red.

I hate the whole “If you don’t like it, leave.” defense. Like there’s no issues of job searching, monetary restrictions, or getting citizenship? Its not that easy.

Worth bearing in mind that I actually was consulting the map here. Shows you how bad I am at Labyrinths.

Well, they told Platinum to have Bayonetta’s Link costume show more cleavage, so I feel like your child-friendly joke kind of doesn’t work here. At least, not fully.

I don’t buy it. Nick Fury being co-star in Captain Marvel, I mean. *downs full salt shaker*

It might be worth noting for people that when you start a new game, it won’t clear the hero’s path. Its a minor thing though.

Didn’t know that.... that sucks.

Hmm.. I’ve just decided Adult Swim should be its own channel. We could have Toonami every day! And a lot of other cool stuff, but the Toonami every day thing is the important part here.

Temple of Doom was the one that stuck in my mind. That heart pulling scene... Euugh.

We can’t forget about Die Hard now, can we? Then again, if it weren’t Christmas we wouldn’t have “Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho.” So maybe it is important.