
I just got the game today. Ask me again in a week or so.

And wouldn’t the cleavage create drag while swimming?

Cool. I wonder who’d be a good pick to play him in the film adaption.

I like what they’ve done with Harley. But it makes me wish Ivy could’ve been a neutral character in this game, so they could do that relationship. I mean, I know there’s dialogue that hints that they’ve had that sort of relationship at some point in the past, but it would’ve been nice to have that presently. Might

Exactly. They know what they’re demographic is. The parents-pestered-by-their-kids demographic.

I was thinking about this the other day, and... I have no idea what the plot of Wonder Woman actually is. Only the backstory and setting.

Kids are only as dumb as their parents. Unfortunately, most parents are dumb... So yeah, I guess technically you’re right.

Fun fact, the video game of Finding Nemo actually has a level where you have to survive the waste processing.

I agree in principal, but you lost some of my enthusiasm with a “But what happens next will amaze you” entry.

I’d actually kind of like to see what the actors look like in the booth vs. how the characters mouth’s move when they’re talking, just to see how it well (or not) it matches up.

I admire the work they put in, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel a little off to me. Guess it just takes some getting used to.

So they took “Original character, do not steal!” and made a game out of it. Interesting... Is it weird that “Fox” is excluded as an option?

In our hearts, we’ll always have Mary Poppins... er, I mean, Yondu.

You forgot the best part about Portal 2. J.K. Simmons.

This is more sadistic than anything anyone has ever done to NPCs in GTA.

Well, maybe the Patriots will get hit by the Madden Curse.

Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long.

I loved the movie, but its not perfect. I think the ending (not the fight, but the actual closing) of the movie could’ve been better. Having Nebula do this “Makes amends with Gamora, but still chooses to be a loner” thing makes character sense, but I think having her be a semi-reluctant “Yeah, you’re with us now,

Hm... Pennywise in the trailer thumbnail looks kind of silly. Stupid thumbnails.

...Everyone’s free to have an opinion, but that doesn’t mean an opinion can’t be bad. And this is.