
Shit, I was wondering who that was. “I don’t remember this character.” Awesome.

I think the first mistake was calling the movie Guardians. You talk to someone about “Guardians,” they probably assume you’re using shorthand for “...of the Galaxy.”

Nice. Actually, though, lately I’ve been watching Puyo Puyo speedruns (or Kirby’s Avalanche/Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, as some might recognize them). Equally hypnotizing.

BD Wong’s character in Jurassic World says to the owner outright that the I. rex isn’t all that different from any other park attraction because they aren’t scientifically accurate to begin with. (I’m paraphrasing a bit, I can’t remember the exact argument)

There is a god, he and his family are just assholes. You know Jesus and that water to wine thing? It was gluten free wine, the bastard.

I feel like if the same technique isn’t theoretically possible to all players of a game with the same hardware (that is to say, with a ‘normal’ functioning controller), then it shouldn’t be used anyway. That just seems weird to me.

Countdown was the one I knew of, which is why this scene prompted me to ask.

I respectfully disagree that the start of this game is great. I don’t mind a story taking its time to get going, but the early arcs of this game really seemed to drag to me. I didn’t care about many of the characters. Once I got to the second island, I started enjoying the game a lot more.

Is this a running gag with Darkseid? Randomly showing up in people’s apartments, just chillin on their furniture?

And Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine. There sure were a lot of Puyo reskins, huh?

I like the Vulpix one.

...How come I’ve never seen someone make this joke before?

Has it really only been a month? I sure have a horrible sense of timelining releases and stuff.

Had trouble articulating what I wanted to say, but this was about the gist of it.

I can still do the Scott Pilgrim one. I still have it.

I didn’t really need to see Green Hill Zone again. I mean, I like Green Hill, but we’ve seen it enough.

I like it.

The red and gold is just the paint job, its not what solved the icing problem. The type of metal alloy he used is.

Can we point and laugh at the comments of people complaining you didn’t have Rare games on here, even though you explained why?

I’m kinda sad how few Rufus jokes I’ve seen.