My wife had to share a loft with 6 other women in Earl's Court during her study abroad. I'm shocked there wasn't a murder/international incident.
My wife had to share a loft with 6 other women in Earl's Court during her study abroad. I'm shocked there wasn't a murder/international incident.
Rise up against the tyranny of pants!
I typed this crap up immediately after waking up from staying up waaaaay too late on homework for my night classes, so rereading, even I can't tell what point I was trying to make.
Oh, for sure. I will NEVER be that guy who lies through his teeth and says that it holds up in any way. The only time I go back to X-COM is nostalgia, anymore.
Even Sins of a Solar Empire gave a better feeling of tiny little people on your tiny little planets. I've loved my time with ES and GalCiv, but there's really no investment on my part in my civilizations. I think once you get to that scale it's very difficult to maintain a sense of connection.
Here it is: To the four of you all who played Homeworld, Go, run, now, buy it, it's awesome!
My gut feeling is the majority of issues has something to do with the random map generation. One benefit the previous game had was it didn't have to randomise much beyond the enemy placement on premade maps. (Though I imagine the final map is static. I haven't made it there yet to get an idea whay the "rules" are for…
MotherFUCKING Sectopods, man.
Or, X-COM(or UFO if you prefer) = 90's, XCOM (hyphen deleted) = modern revival.
A part of me wonders if the people reporting shitty performance are what I've started calling the "GPU Master Race."
I believe the more accurate translation of your innocuous colloquialism is the less sinister but still judgmenttal "I will be there when you are Beria'd", but something got lost, and no one was around to Lenin and correct.
And here we go. Everyone's getting all hot to Trotsky with the puns. There'll be a reckoning for this, just Marx my words.
Hey! And a Subaru commercial!!!
My biggest problem is the eye of a needle-sized hoops they have to drag both characters through to set up the schoolyard fanboy fight the loudest and most annoying fans have spent years screaming for. Forget the dour tone and blue and grey pallette, the narrative gymnastics required to pull that off are just…
Did we learn nothing from the pigeon-guided bomb?!
A lot of people shitting on his action direction are just not having their expectations met, ie: expecting super sophisticated balletic moves. In a superhero movie that's the standard.
The only thing on the wedding registry I couldn't live without, I got: a super nice set of folded steel knives with diamond steel sharpener. My wife hates when I sharpen them, but I kinda can't not, so when they need it, pretty much the second she's out the door to work, my mental reminder blinks on and I do what…
Double Deadpool date on Friday, burying myself in a metric fuckton of calculus and engineering physics homework on Saturday, Hail Caesar! actual date on Sunday.
Skrillex, bringin' dah wub.
Hey! It's the zombie apocalypse, maaan. We don't have time for all your societal norms! The second the first brain-eater shows up, we're all gonna cast off the chains of this pussifying social construct known as "civilization" and start devouring ourselves like the mad rats on the sinking ship of life we've always…