
I caught interminable shit in High School for using "they" in my writing as opposed to "he or she". It was maybe 1% because I was starting to be uncomfortable from a feminist perspective, (why do I need to specify a gender when writing about an astronaut? Man or woman they're more badass than I'll ever be) instead of

My wife and I just got a friend out of a similar situation. She was married to the prick, and wasn't until she saw the slowly spreading look of horror on our faces as she talked about it that she first realized something might be wrong.

It's either that one, or the one about the douche using his "vintage camera collection" as a pickup line that always springs to mind on the rare occasion I say anything about it.

I don't talk about it, in petrified fear of being THAT GUY, but I've got a thing for film photography. Probably got it from my mom, since she studied it in college back when that was still a thing.

I think it could, too, but I would almost like to see that done with two series covering the same world, and same events, but with different viewpoints. I'm not too keen on sheltering kids, but I came from a house where Die Hard became a Christmas tradition before I was six (and to be totally honest, still is, because

If they wrote that comic, I'd buy Superman comics again. That message rings truer for kids than it does most adults, or at least not enough adults to make DC agree the sales would justify the switch.

What's wrong with Superman is, (I say this as a fan, who loves Superman and all that he stands for at his best) us. We need to relinquish him back to our kids.

I've always had the opposite reaction, but I'm a little weird. That aspect always makes me more sympathetic, because my assumption was always if he CAN be everywhere and CAN fix everything, the Superman universe (not the wider DC world, just the little bit Superman inhabits absent a crossover event) will either be A:

I think Superman is rife with drama, even if it's NOT relatable on a human scale.


Rocky and First Blood are two of my all time favorite movies. I wouldn't call them outright deconstructions of the hyper-macho ideal, but they have such a strong current of humanity (seriously, if you only know Rambo from the popular consciousness, this is gonna read a little fucking weird. Get thee to a rental store,

1: Why the fuck do I always miss out on these until Sunday?!

When he just pulls the trigger on the unloaded gun without a second's hesitation he leapt to the top of the class…

I interned over the summer (and may again, this year) at a chemical plant as a safety/reliability engineer. Mainly did things like vessel bolt torque calculations, pressure safety valve inspections and ran ultrasonic flow meters. I was told flat out my practical experience as a mechanic leapfrogged me over a bunch of

I think the SNES and by extension Genesis have aged better than any other console. I have yearly replays of Chrono Trigger and a few others, that aren't "officially" completed until it's done with the original cartridge and machine, even though I have CT on a ton of other platforms (including the phone I'm typing this

"The War of Greek City-State Aggression"

My grandmother nearly got her (sweet, kindly) arthritic old ass backhanded out the nearest window when she pulled that shit on my wife.

I sank ten years into being an auto technician, and it seemed like every year there was an excuse to cut labor times on every job. When we charged $80/hr, people would still come for nonwarranty work, feeling a factory-trained mechanic was worth it, so it wasn't a big deal. After the recession, fewer people were

Had they been coming of age in the 60's they'd all have kids named Moon, or Rainbow, or some such. Some will normalize, some will fight tooth and nail to remain in the same place, becoming our generations "Subaru-driving middle-aged hippie", and the really fun ones, 20 years from now will be fighting against rape

Don't you dare change that goddamn jewel!