
It also comes down to how easy it is to get your hands on military grade weaponry in that part of the world. And I'm not even talking about the dozens of *tons of* small arms that have flooded the Middle East for the past 50 years. I was getting glib emails from guys in my training group (y'know, ones who DIDN'T blow

Hardened badasses who watched over 3,000 Americans get murdered, saw the opportunity to go after those that did it with the combined firepower of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps behind them and thought, "On second thought, I think I can do more by staying home."

I'm a Vintage Military Rifle competition shooter and to me that argument is horseshit. Victory in a firefight comes down to training, positioning, warning, cover, and concealment. Entire squads of trained soldiers with rifles, light machine guns, grenades and the best training in the world have been wiped out in

Laid down for a nap at 3 after getting home from work, world was looking brighter. ISIS executioner learned how to catch Hellfire missiles with his teeth, and the Kurds were pushing the murderous psychos out of town.

Better throw a CASE on that limb! When that first round cooks off due to a Through Armor Critical from some wimp-ass MG it's a doosey!

It is literally a huge, HIGHLY radioactive crater.

I took a break from the main quest in Skyrim to help out as a traveling miner/blacksmith for a few in-game days to get over the hump for a new level so I could get the Arcane Smithing perk, so you're not alone.

Did they change the perception system in this one or am I experiencing a bug? In the previous games you could see enemy markers outside of combat, but now I'm only seeing them when in combat. Really makes me feel like an idiot for buffing Perception at the beginning, but more importantly, it makes my sniper playstyle

During the Cambridge Polymer Labs subquest I had just finished a particularly tough chapter on, among other things, de Broglie wavelength and valence structure, so I was halfway through trying to figure out the science of the quest before I realized it all made very little sense, and just dumped the samples in the

Got the quest qeued up but goddamn to I have to get a better handle on the quantum-mechanical model of the atom before Monday or my Chem grade is going down the toilet. I'm drooling hearing everyone describe it, but I need to enforce SOME discipline before I let this game make me pay for a class a second time.

Oldest "afloat"!

My favorite humorous Skele-tale(tm) from a Bethesda Fallout game was the White House basement in FO3: liquor bottles all over the place, makeshift ramps, half a skeleton lodged in the roof rafters, and a wrecked motorcycle with the bottom half of said skeleton crumpled against the far wall.

Really makes me appreciate NV's firearm selection and lethality. (Of course, they had the M1 Garand, so I'm biased there…)

Favorite FO4 moment so far would have to be my first radiation storm. I was doing some maintenance on my power armor (piezoelectric chestpiece FTW!)) when I heard thunder. I put on my hazmat suit and kinda stood in the doorway and enjoyed the light show.

I tend to cover the most obvious lines of attack with heavy machine gun turrets. Tenpines Bluff as two sitting on the shack roof so they have both elevtation and an unibstructed 360 degree field of fire. Of course, these were installed AFTER a raider attack wiped out a third of the population, but it's the thought

On the PC front, I wrestled Mechwarrior 2 and 3, along with both MechCommanders into submission enough to get them working on modern systems. The biggest hurdle was configuring an FPS limiter for MW3 to calm the spazzy physics, but since I had nVidia Inspector, it wasn't an issue.

I think it's been said before a few times, but if I recall, the original plan for FO3's story was to have things happen a lot sooner after the war than the rest of the series, but the timeline got into a twist with the BoS and Enclave. It always did feel a lot more recent than 200 years.

Exploring old military installations is always one of the more chilling things to do in these games, especially the ones that have computer logs from the war. Highlights for me are the missile silo and Germantown National Guard camp in FO3.

I love that Lincoln's Repeater was based on a real rifle that was given to him. That, the squashed Wright Flyer at the museum and a few other details just really worked for me in FO3 for establishing a the world as a place.

Yeah… I have a confession: I'm neck-deep in finals-prep mode, so I swore I wouldn't get this. Which is exactly why I went to Best Buy and picked it up at midnight last night… I soooooo do not need to be playing this at this point in my school year.