
As a guy who once had a near panic attack scrolling a gallery of local spiders to identify what the hell I'd just killed on the back of my neck, there's something curiously reassuring about a spider I could deal with using a Mossberg.

A few years ago my sister called me on my day off to handle a spider that was hanging out in my dad's shower. I drove over, muttering remarks pertaining to the veterbrate configuration of my younger sibling the whole time. I get there, she's wearing army boots, jeans duct-taped around the ankles, a long-sleeve denim

From Tarantul-A to Tarantul-Z?

You forgot to mention: He's playing a guitar that's like, a double guitar. Springfield spent their oil money well.

He's a lead farmer!

What we've got here, is failure to imaginate. Some men, you just can't reach, so you get what we had here last week, which is the way audiences wants it.
Well, they gets it.

The Last Guardian? I kid, I kid…

Anybody want a peanut?

So I have been trying since high school to get friends of mine into the Mad Max movies. I always try to start them on Road Warrior, because it's more action-y, but inevitably, they insist on starting with Mad Max. Inevitably, it ends with "that was weird…" and they go no further.

"Mommas, don't let your babies grow up to be MRA bloggers…"

It was from them not gettin' some BECAUSE the commies. See wonderful little song; "Get that Communist Joe."

Erm, serious question: Has a MRA ever been encountered in the wild that works in a field other than IT?

Part of me wonders whether it's all the old fucks seeing their expiration date coming up, and this nationalist, homophobic softcore racist horseshit is just the death rattle of the old order. Study after study shows the next generation being the least nationalistic, prejudiced, and violence-prone we've seen.

If it's a memory specifically about a game, it would be the time I stayed up 32 hours straight handing FFVIII back and forth with my sisters.

I tend to be of the mind once a main "arc" is done with, that's the end of the series. So for me, Silent Hill and Resident Evil ended at 3, (LOVED 4 and Code Veronica, but they still felt "outside" the main run) and as messy as MGS4 was, for me it was the perfect ending to the series.

Goddamn Zorro is one of my favorite all-time movies. I refused to see the sequel because of that, and it's nice to know from your description I was not mistaken in this.

"But I didn't…
I only knew you'd know that I knew you know.
Did you know that?"

Chicago gonna do tha' tell!

Bah. Hypermasculinity can go surf the tidal wave of cocks most of its closeted adherents dream about anyway.

I may also suggest joining a cruise on one of His Majesty's men-o-war. If the literature is to be believed, should he have the good fortune to serve a captain both brave and lucky, prize-money will see him with more guineas than he's ever seen farthings, as well as an accumulation of stories and goodly comradeship