
Hey Ape, you condescending fetid twat, what part of fuck off did you not understand?

What part of Blizzard’s new, “We are aggressively monetizing every single aspect of our games (go mobile!) moving forward,” do you not understand? They ain’t got no time for no broke ass plebs.  Acting like this is a fundamental right or something... lol, this is America, food/shelter/health aren’t even fundamental

Tell you what, which is better, a Latino using the Nword as a term of kinship or a Black person using it as a derogatory racial slur? Because I’d venture to say more often than not that is how Black people use the word they claim to be “taking back”. 

I’ll do you one better, the word is effectively meaningless through Black people’s overuse of it.

If you don’t care what he thinks why did you write the article about what he thinks?

By franchise I mean the IP. S&M sex is intrinsic to Hellraiser’s roots. Stripping it for yet another morality tale about the dangers of drug addiction sounds off-putting and that’s putting it mildly.

Good for her.  Democrats should take a lesson from this... winning matters more than your ethics, lol. 

Yeah, I don’t think a lot of people pick up on the fact that Frank obviously sexually abused Kirsty during her childhood. 

zero fuck’s given.  Let Blizzard burn. 

So, see, for this ‘reboot’ we’re going to strip away pretty much everything that drew people to the franchise in the first place in the interest of... subverting expectations.

Like 75% of the characters on GoT die. How the fuck is killing off one Black character on a show where you’ve killed off literally hundreds of white ones racist? And Grey Worm leaving Westeros? So what? So did Arya. Is GoT racist and sexist against white women too? Just because the Black people don’t win in every

do something about it cunt.  LOLOLOL

I’ve never wanted a game to crash and burn more than I want OW2 to crash and burn.  

No they are not real but they are heavily based on real people and events and just because something falls under the category ‘fantasy’ doesn’t mean it can’t reflect the real world. It’s literally what sets GoT apart from more traditional fare like LoTR. It’s literally the main reason for the IPs popularity.

Hey Ape... fuck off.  

Florida has always been notoriously antagonistic towards its female student-athletes”

Noticing how many people are taking umbrage with my use of the word “women” I’ll make the following capitulation...

Rich has written for Jez for how long now?  Doesn’t he get honorary woman status?  

bitches be trippin’.

Would highly suggest watching Seagull’s new YT vid before installing OW2.