
I always love “BEST OF” lists that provide absolutely zero context for the decision making process.  

Why are women celebrated for being bitches?

If the new bond isn’t a non-binary woman of color I’ll eat my hat...

Especially considering this website’s penchant for criticizing men for not being in touch with their emotions.  Huh, can’t wonder why men would be afraid to express any vulnerabilities in public?!? 

And yet as progressive Democrats we can’t fathom how Republicans are able to rally their base calling us out of touch elitists and painting us as crazy...

Jerry, is that you?

I don’t believe The Root knows how international law works so let me break it down for you... People must abide by the laws in the countries they visit.

I’m beginning to think Kanye is an unparalleled genius in his ability to troll the Tik Tok moralists...

Example #672,093,925 why women are full of shit when they say they want men to be more in touch with their emotions and not afraid to express how they feel. We are mocked when we do. Swap the genders and the tone of this article is completely different, guaranteed.

sometimes a bitch is just a bitch.  

In all fairness, and in his defense, a crackhead is much less likely to murder you indiscriminately and without repercussions than a cop.

Republicans are as popular as they are in large part because it is so easy to mock and ridicule the most insufferable aspects of ‘woke’ culture. This is something Dems refuse to acknowledge. It’s all or nothing with too many. Either you support the most progressive left ideals or you’re a literal Nazi. No room in

So much for ‘Keeping it real”. 

They’re doing it for ad revenue from click bait articles.  Do you actually believe Jezebel exists to promote social justice?

Series/movie, big fucking difference.

Yes, there are ice monsters and dragons.

Here’s a horror story for you...

exactly what a nzi pedophile libtard would say. 

don’t kink shame. 

youve been messaging a troll all afternoon “bro” which may be one of the only things more pathetic than trolling all afternoon. cool story. remember when you got triggered because you were absolutely wrong about your original opinion and instead of admitting you didn’t know what you were talking about you decided to