

Sick burn, dummy. 

No way in living hell is she offering to give him the money back if she didn’t cheat.  

What do you know, movies about subjects that hold no personal interest for the majority of people underperform.  It’s not homophobic to not support your vanity project buddy.  And maybe just maybe it has something to do with the fact that you’ve fostered a persona of indifferent asshole your entire career and nobody

Sure hope no pandemics hit Wakanda with Suri in charge...

So wait a minute here... Her allegation of racist abuse on set amounts to, “Somebody called me by the wrong name”, and it gave her PTSD? And I’m sorry but complaining about how gross it is to make a movie about Dahmer after you chose to work on a movie about Dahmer is disingenuous at best. Oh well, she got her 15

Well, I sure hope a pandemic doesn’t hit Wakanda...

Who said anyone was attacking me?  I demonstrated the very clear and well documented stigma against men who seek mental health help and you double down on being an asshole.  Disingenuous assholes deserve no respect.  What exactly are you gonna do about it?  Flag me?  HAHAHA.  Oh you pathetic loser.  I can’t wait until

nah, i think I’ll just beat my wife and die early of a heart attack like the rest of the men whose legitimate feelings you dismiss.

Lil Nas: “Hey everybody I poop!”

Obviously you’ve never played an online game.  Women are routinely discriminated against.  Don’t be daft. 

Why are Black people so over-represented in pop music?  These Black folks out here stealing white people’s jobs.  Representation matters!

Lil Nas could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and y’all would celebrate him for it. 

I’m gonna trust the word of several scientific studies on the subject over your personal uninformed opinion.  You sound like an anti-vaxxer.  Nothing more to say.  

“Your” truth. ‘nuff said...

Beat the 350ish ranked man in tennis? she-GOAT (maybe). 

Is anyone else sick and tired of corporations run by old sexist, racist, homophobic white men using social justice as a marketing gimmick?

Your comment is laughably disingenuous. 

Threatening violence.  How progressive.