
Which is worse, that they’re allegedly running a cult grooming children, or that they’re single-handedly setting transgender rights back 50 years in the process by providing the perfect case for homophobic bigots to point to when defending their hatred?

Why is anyone relying on a mentally ill musician to teach their children? What about music production and designing ugly clothing makes one experienced in primary education? Just because someone is a celebrity doesn’t mean they know anything more than anyone else.

Despite their parents’ attempts to intervene, Miller and Iron Eyes lived in Hawaii together, with multiple sources who say they encountered the pair claiming that Miller told them he was the teen’s guardian and that they were fleeing a family intolerant of their gender identity.”

There is a feeling on social media that every form of creative content has to also work as idealistic progressive propaganda. Personally, I think it’s largely being dictated by the corporations distributing it as a way to subvert legitimate criticism.

True representation happens when diverse characters are actually normalized. This means sometimes they are good people and sometimes good things happen to them and sometimes the opposite is true. Handling minority representation with kid gloves, making arbitrary rules about what is and isn’t fair game for their

Poverty is not an excuse for violence. Full stop.  The ‘Culture’ needs to change in this regard.

Sounds akin to making a movie about Irma Grese that paints her as victim of Nazi patriarchy who was actually trying to save Jews instead of whipping them to death. 

Rian Johnson can have a 100 year career with dozens upon dozens of successful films and he still won’t live down the Last Jedi grief. 

More power to her!

For me at least, it kind of kills the whole retro B&W Universal Monsters vibe when the cinematography/costumes/etc. follow closely to MCU’s standard aesthetic. At least Wandavision seemed to do a better job matching the look of the programs it was emulating.

So you’re in favor of pro-Hitler propaganda as long as we call it ‘entertainment’. Gotcha. That’s... definitely a take. Thanks for your opinion. I disagree but I can at least respect it, kinda?  Have a great weekend.

In Ellen’s defense, Rosie did show up on her show looking like this...

Viola Davis is fabulous, yes. That said...

will check it out.  thanks!

“Hit me on the hip” means page me.

I am so old I thought it was called Ebonics?

It’s okay to steal from someone if they’re a ‘big bad’.  

Why are Black people allowed to rewrite the problematic aspects of their history?

It’s like they’re purposefully trying to tank any good will this ‘sequel’ might’ve otherwise had...