Who said it excused anything? What part of ‘disgusting past’ is me excusing white people in your mind?
Who said it excused anything? What part of ‘disgusting past’ is me excusing white people in your mind?
Korean directors been knocking out of the park (no pun intended) for quite a while now...
Since Republicans are so fond of publicity stunts, (sending immigrants to liberal communities/leaders this week specifically), why don’t we send all of Alabama’s orphans to the capital? They want these babies so badly let them take care of them!
In their defense, white people have long glorified their disgusting past with revisionist history. This film is actually a benchmark on the path to true equality in that Black people are now socially celebrated for doing the same, no?
Unless you’re on a dating app where it’s easy enough to filter them out without the uncomfortable inconvenience of in person social interaction.
Apparently not before you milk every last bit of clickbait ‘content’ out of it though, eh?
If God exists and abortion is truly a Sin, even in obviously appalling instances like this, then fuck God. Forcing life shattering trauma just so a fetus can suffer before it dies does not, “Serve a greater good”.
(Currently) 2 movies do not make a ‘Cinematic Universe’, sorry.
Can we please stop feeling outrage on behalf of people who don’t feel it themselves?
Strange that this article seemingly exonerates Williams of any wrongdoing for losing her position over alcohol and cocaine drug addiction and then chooses to lay the blame on her bosses for not doing enough to help her? ‘Mental health’ is not your fault, but it is YOUR responsibility. It’s not like she couldn’t afford…
The Dahomey built their empire on conquest and slave labor. Why do we feel it’s okay to glorify literal slavers in this instance while simultaneously demonizing contemporary white Americans for slavery they had absolutely no hand in?