
" Sheriff Bell’s calmly delivered speech actually encapsulates the film’s themes and gives deeper insight into its title."

This may be a stretch but with all the UFOing this season the first thing that came to my mind when seeing Peggy's imaginary man is the Men In Black stories of odd looking suited men with strange speaking patterns appearing to people after UFO activity.

And asks for Sam Hess' killers head in a bag, pretty close to the head in a box we saw this episode as a Gerhardt calling card.

Herzog is a mad genius director with a heart of gold who famously was screamed at for months on the set of "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" by German actor Klaus Kinski. Kubrick is a mad genius director who screams at people on set for months to make gold.

It wasn't a twist I would argue. It was so telegraphed and addressed head on so many times before the "reveal." Even after the reveal, Elliot speaks to us as his imaginary friend and says " You knew the whole time anyway." Which of course we did, but it was about Elliot not us.

No Viewtiful Joe?