
I wasn’t aware being cast in a movie required trial proceedings.

I remember when I was watching Fantastic Beasts in the theater and during the big Johnny Depp reveal, the entire audience let out a audible groan. It was interesting how excited people would have been ten or even five years ago but, now, a sizable chunk of the audience is just so over Johnny Depp.

Nerdwriter always annoys me by trying to oversell his observations as some grandiose thing instead of saying “here’s a specific thing this movie does well, let’s appreciate it”. And he’s definitely overstating his case when he suggests that fiction can’t do cross-purpose dialogue as well as film - Henry Green did it

Hell killing off Balon Greyjoy around Season 4 would have also given them time to flesh out Euron on the other Greyjoy brothers. Hell it’s not like Balon plays any important roll after Season 4.

It never made sense that they waited so long in the show to kill off Balon Greyjoy. I even believe that Joffrey’s ill-fated wedding with the dwarf performers playing the various kings of Westeros made some reference to Balon’s death before it took place on the show.

He was fine as Stannis, the problem is that the wirters fucked up royal in two ways, having Stannis be ok with burning Gendry after only Rob and Joffery were dead and having him burn his daughter alive. In the books, Stannis was never really a diehard believer in Melisandre’s faith, he just used it as a means of

If I had to put money on a longtime television fixture being embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal that spanned 30-40 years, Pat Sajak somehow wouldn’t surprise me.

Steven Moffat - millions of great ideas, millions of terrible ideas, little to no ability to tell the two apart.

eh, call me a philistine, but that Hong Kong exploding tunnel movie is the first one I’m watching from this list.

Because what does someone whose career has spanned some of the worst of Hollywood sexism know.

It’s the safest assumption. Fuller is a genius. American Gods was hard enough to adapt and he did it masterfully. Maybe the groundwork is laid well enough that someone else will be able to pick up the slack and carry it, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Certainly I was typed. But what is typing? It is a trademark, a means by which the public recognizes you. Actors work all their lives to achieve that. I got mine with just one picture. It was a blessing.”Boris “I’m pretty fucking self-aware” Karloff

Yeah. I thought of that one too when I lamented all the great performances we’ve lost because of method acting. Though, if I’m remembering correctly, didn’t some of Ledger’s friends debunk the idea that his performance as the Joker contributed to his death?

Here’s an interesting take on why method acting has become so prevalent, especially among male actors, using Jared Leto as a jumping off point but touching on others. Essentially method acting as practiced today by many Hollywood actors is just doing stunts to give the appearance that acting is “real” work, that it’s

Far be it from me to question the results when it comes to someone like Daniel Day Lewis, but it seems like for every method acting savant like him, there’s a Jared Leto out there torturing his cast mates for a mediocre performance in a mediocre film. I really have to question whether all that self torture is

Method acting claims another talented performer. Just-just get out of your heads every once in a while, you nuts! Go to Japan and watch the fish market or something. You have great jobs!

If I may paraphrase a line from Halt and Catch Fire: “Narrative isn’t the thing — it’s the thing that gets you to the thing.

I read the book. I really enjoyed the book. But I never thought it would make a good movie. And I still don’t.

This film has a few good jokes and some great scenes (although I personally wouldn’t count the ape performance piece among them), but generally didn’t like it much. It’s really long, but seems to not know what to do with its runtime: each scene feels disconnected from the previous one, and seems to be explictly