Richard Nuts

The idea that shit-talking a candidate during a primary harms them in the general was probably never very true, and most assuredly isn’t true at all now. The overwhelming majority of people in this country know who they will vote for next November based solely on the letter by their name. Modern American elections are

Not the Antonio Brown come back story I expected.

Steelers fans like him again now

My first thought was “WTF were they thinking?!”

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

If you use the phrase “virtue signaling,” you’ve already proven your argument isn’t worth listening to.

So... only fix the black parts of your car even though the white parts of your car are malfunctioning at the same rate?

I think it’s totally understandable that he doesn’t want a pic like that to be the centaur of attention

Oh, shut the fuck up.

Yeah, make this about 2o16. Very helpful.

Well, I guess we found his weakness, the sole point of vulnerability for a historically good player, almost mythically good in some respects, and so I suppose we should call that weakness something that represents said singular area of anatomical imperfection: This is Durant’s Lebron’s Dick.

This guy really gets it, folks. 

Personally I’m against The Wall because Animals is a much better album.

So, since Lori Loughlin is involved, is it fair to say that this scandal is everywhere you look?

Ed: “Rapey.” I meant “rapey.”

Whenever I have a problem, I just trade for a Cleveland Brown, and then boom, right away, I have a different problem.

Josh, Pats on the phone. Guaranteed 24 hr. workout.

They get one tie and think they’re too good for him now.

God has no sense of SPACING and I resent Him for it.