Dick Nicely

I took her quote as "We've had all of these stressful moments, and now we're prepared to have three kids at the same time because of them", not "everything we did up until now doesn't matter now that I'm having kids."

Ahh. My mistake. The "Welcome to Urbana" sign is in front of the Union and I foolishly thought that that exact point is where the border began.

When were you there? The downtown areas in both cities are great. Interesting local businesses and interesting people. A lot of the people I was surrounded by were making art and actively doing things. It was such a good time with these great like-minded people. I tend to romanticize my time there.

You can find the beginning of Urbana if you head east on Green from Wright. The Illini Union is basically split down the middle of Champaign and Urbana.

Woah woah woah woah. Champaign-Urbana is one of the most beautiful places in the world.