
You could probably even use a corded drill with an inverter hooked up to the car's electrical system. Though I wouldn't do it if the car wasn't starting. It would drain the car battery pretty fast (or at least I think it would).

The idea behind running credit reports is to determine if the applicant may be susceptible (or under a lot of pressure) to do something to harm the company for financial gain. For instance, you may want to think twice about hiring someone who has a house in foreclosure, $100k in student loans, and $50k of credit card

Yeah, but the Coke vs Pepsi ads were never quite as... violent.

That is such an awesome design that they should patent and license it.

@Nauthiz: Well then I guess I'm gonna have to start making a list to send to them.....

@Jeremy Marquardt: Yeah, what's up with that? Wp7 phones have been out 2 months now, there are thousands of apps, when do WP7 users get some love?

Somewhere about 8-9 years ago I did something similar, except it was an exhaust. I had 4 computers in a room and it would get to hot. So I lined them all up next to each other and used some plexiglass, dryer duct, and a fan (one of those table top ones) to draw the hot exhaust from the computers and blow it outside

@Android Team Strike: As he mentions in one part they could be charged with Criminal Trespass, Reckless Endangerment, and probably a few other things. Since 9/11 if you were in there with a camera they would possibly try to charge you under the Patriot Act for who knows what.

I prefer to give actual gifts, but that doesn't mean a gift card is a bad gift. Have a relative who is an avid reader with a Nook or Kindle? A B&N or Amazon gift card is a great gift. Starving college student nephew? Subway card works wonders. Sister who never gets out of the house? Cheesecake Factory for a night out

Interesting concept, but it would be better if he included a monitor and could just flip it on and start gaming wherever he is.

@jon78drummer: add LED backlighting to the 1080p and 120Hz and you are all set.

@jon78drummer: add LED backlighting to the 1080p and 120Hz and you are all set.

@Ryan: Based on my experience with Vizio TVs, that's not a bad solution.

@cerebud: Like others have said, if what you make is good, people will pay for it. I know I do. Perfect example was the first Mass Effect game. I got a pirated copy, played a few hours. Went and bought it. Then bought ME2 without hesitation. And will buy ME3 when it comes out.

@Ghost-NYC: Yes, they make D cells. As a matter of fact many lantern type flashlights use them.

@Jones Foyer: I recently purchased a 2011 Kia Sorento. It has a backup camera and sensors. The image displays on a section of the rear view mirror (about 2.5") when the car is put in reverse. Cars that have built in navigation systems use that screen.

@ZFK: I decorate the outside of the house the week of Thanksgiving, which day depends on the weather. We do the inside of the house the day after Thanksgiving, and get our live tree 1-2 weeks before Christmas, decorate it 1-2 days later, and take it down by New Years.

I work at Staples and frequently hear this argument against the extended warranties. And it is a good argument except that it misses one very important point: the credit cards extend the manufacturers warranty which, in every case that I know of, covers only defects.

@freedomweasel: Yeah, maybe I was a douche 20yrs ago when I did that. The thing is, he was so freaking close to my car, I couldn't open the door with enough force to actually do any real damage. The "dent" I left was no worse than an errant shopping cart would have done.