I tried to watch this show for the first time last week. You and Battlecar nailed why I checked out halfway through the first season in spite of some entertaining work by the cast.
I tried to watch this show for the first time last week. You and Battlecar nailed why I checked out halfway through the first season in spite of some entertaining work by the cast.
Haven't seen the show but I get what you mean with the dourness/darkness induced apathy. It can get exhausting or worse boring.
AVATAR: The hero of the film also forms a rather creepy romance with the native princess, who is of another species, perhaps a symbol for bestiality.
There is a big difference between a gag that some people find questionable and an anti-slavery book that portrayed a black slave the most moral character and betraying everything you've been taught to help him escape slavery as the correct choice. It is one of the great American novels. Even with that I think it…
The N word debate is a whole different can of worms, dude. I've only ever heard of the Huck Finn thing in elementary and middle schools and that brings in the Think of the Children nuts. They never give kids enough credit or have heard them talk without adults around.
Side note, I gave a book report on Huck Finn in…
It makes me think of a teenager shouting, "you just don't UNDERSTAND me mom!"
I understand not everybody gets the same types of humor. I mostly mean when I see it used to say: there is absolutely nothing wrong with me/my joke it you people (read: idiots) with the problem.
When I "don't get" something I figure it's just not for me and move on not that its bad.
Yeah, I can only work up indifference about this but the "you just don't get it" defense to criticism always makes me roll me eyes.
But she liked Goldwater in high school! She took money from BANKSTERS!!!!! She is obviously to the right of Cruz /s
That was most of the Peggy/Ed dynamic and a theme of the show I think, to make do with what you do in a down to Earth way. To me at least, it got a little heavy handed in the finale with Ed and Lou basically telling Peggy off a bit. I don't know why but I didn't expect the show to come down firmly on one "side" so to…
I really didn't like how viciously abused Simone was played up as some bratty teenager.
It is a little troubling that she and Peggy, the two women who reject their place in life, have all there actions blow up in their face on an otherwise great season of TV.
Bears's son? Isn't he going to jail?
I liked the shot of Mike slowly sitting down in the shitty office chair. That wasn't the throne he was expecting.
I can't empathize with Snape all that much. So many fans forget that he was a willing Death Eater. A helpless victim of bulling? What about the stuff he must have got up to working with dark magic at age 15 and the company he kept.
What about how he waited James and Harry killed and Lily given to him? Most of his…
I don't know about healthy, but he does seem less self-serving and truly loyal to family who don't betray him.
I not sure how you take several big names, both man and women, passing on the Daily Show and decide women don't want to be late night hosts. It seems to me that most of the people they asked had active, established careers.