I never heard a black person drop N-bombs and felt the same uncomfortable feeling as when the most vile white folks use the word.
I never heard a black person drop N-bombs and felt the same uncomfortable feeling as when the most vile white folks use the word.
That looks way better than when we had it here in LA. They filled in the space here with actors pretending to play volleyball and shit.
Exactly. I usually just use it to make sure smaller business don't have any ridiculous issues. I figured you could get them cleared relatively easily. So if any business has tons of open ones it would indicate a high level of not giving a shit.
I didn't know this. And, I'm pretty up on my shit and cynical about all this. I just assumed it was something legit because you grow up seeing that stupid logo on every bank and hear people bandy the name around all the time. Are the total complaint (whether cleared or not) numbers accurate though? Because that's what…
Justin Bieber better have something to show for this friendship. I feel like it's just Mayweather using him as a second bank account. If you are BFFs with one of the greatest fighters of all time and you don't take advantage and train up, you are dropping the motherfucking ball. Any hate I have for Biebs would melt…
I just wrote almost the same thing and scroll down after feeling a sense of pride in explaining the GT-R price creep, only to see this. Smartass.
It's important to remember that they've been steadily raising the price of the GT-R pretty much every year. So the original old MSRP is hardly valid to compare. They haven't really changed the design either, so that also keeps the price on the secondary market high.
And yet, the only time I see these shits is behind me on the 101 when some smartass in a $50K Wrangler thinks he's doing a Baja run at night.
Valid for women too! Though you have to modulate things a bit depending on if you're OK with having a bit of a more muscular build.
Add in 2 or 3 days of strength training. heavy compound lifts at low reps and you'll feel like a new man. Even just basics like deadlift, squats, bench, and cleans will do a lot for you. Just make sure you get somebody who knows their shit to train you a few times til you get the form down. Don't do Crossfit or…
Human errorA serious case of Giant Pilot Balls and a classic loss ofsituational awarenessGoose caused the mishap, but we can also draw a few other observations.
If Tesla actually were to make the first real battery breakthrough in forever, they would be worth some pretty ridiculous money. I imagine that speculation is what drives that $75 Billion number we keep hearing. As with ALL energy tech in the history of the planet, I'll believe it when I see it. I still remember when…
This is something I happen to have wrote regarding Jerome Kersey yesterday about my experience with a clot. I guess it's more valid than I had thought:
Obama did it. Duh.
Adequate Man became Rich Woman so gradually we didn't even notice...
I used to work security at all the premieres and awards shows down here in LA and Eddie Murphy is worse than anyone could ever imagine. Most actors are pretty decent and though they may be a handful on-set, they don't just walk around acting like pompous spoiled assholes for shits and giggles.
Yeah, I'm ok with that.
Riley County is the alma mater of KSU/Packers great Jordy Nelson. Some people say he was better at basketball than football while
in high schoolwhite.
That's A LOT of buildings. Anyone have a clue as to what percentage are actually in-use?