We all just wanted the instant replay. Would have been the best shitshow ever, even over "technology and stuff."
LOL. It's bullshit, and it sucks, but, it's a fucking BUSINESS. Oh man, everyone always thinks entertainment is some entitlement. It's a huge business and this was a huge risk. They did this so that they could minimize their risk and take a lump sum from Sony and I doubt many xbox gamers who would have bought this…
I am a lifelong Spurs fan and Dodgers fan. This comment is hurting the rational part of my brain. I know you're right. But I want to punch myself for acknowledging it.
I thought you were cool earlier. I was clearly mistaken.
I don't get it. What's the reason the game gives for you magically turning your feet into a skateboard? This is bothering me. What is propelling her forward while "grinding?"
People seem to think that it is the "word" that is the problem. It's not the words. It's the connotation, or as Dennis would say, "the implication." A little context goes a long way.
I would hope so. But I've learned my lesson about internet commenters. Lol. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me 2,368 times, and um, I won't be fooled again.
Why? Are we not allowed to inform and answer a simple question now without offending someone? Goddamn. And, ya, I am a Jew as well, before anyone asks. Chillax a bit there Tex.
"first listing"
subtle. hahahahahahahahahaha
I lost my shit at "really that's on Morgan Freeman." Now I'm gonna need someone to mockup a March of the Penguins poster with each of the live action actors and each of the comic and animated TV show renditions of the Penguin as well.
Issues with this:
I just wanna play NHL94 on that thing from the cheap seats.
My main concern is pseudoscience ruling this country. I'm trying to be polite and give you examples. But the main issue is that we have too many idiots who have no clue what they are talking about changing behavior of our society.
How many sports fans do you think give a shit about marathons or distance running?
Double elbow-drop at 2:30
I think you are underestimating the impact of having a bajillion people suddenly go Gluten Free. What about the people who have jobs relying on people using this staple? Having fads like this just explode is a serious problem. Look at the anti-vaxxers for a good (if extreme) example. It's got much farther reaching…
No. It's not. I don't even know why I clicked on this article.
You mean like the years I spent on thyroid medication? Or the week I spent in the hospital last year after I almost died from clots in my leg? Or the seven months I spent on blood thinners after, unable to do anything I spent my life doing? Or, maybe the year+ I have spent with no more than 2-3 hours of sleep at a…